What Weird Hobbies Would These Literary Sisters Have Picked Up in Quarantine?
Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash
Lockdown has turned us all inward, seeking new things to pass the time and getting to know our family better. Sometimes this awakens new talents and unforeseen depths of caring in loved ones. Or it leads to yet another reason to tear out your own hair and Google “how to divorce siblings.” But how might some of literatures’ most beloved sisters handle staying at home for months during a pandemic?
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March, Little Women – You Tube Channel
The March’s YouTube channel began as a lark of Jo’s—she had a great idea for a riff on the Fast & Furious series and she had a captive, if not altogether enthusiastic, cast right there at home (while Beth seems uncomfortable in front of the camera, Amy’s bombastic turn as Hobbs, however, breaks new ground in Dwayne Johnson impersonations). The ensuing audience that arrived after “Ride or Die” went viral has only fueled Jo’s filmmaking aspirations, and she has moved away from action-movie parodies in favor of more original works.
Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Kitty, Lydia, Pride and Prejudice – Hair Dying
It was Lydia’s idea. They don’t speak of what exactly occurred, but we do know that Elizabeth has been proudly sporting bold azure highlights, and Mary has become in ordinately fond of hats.
Susan and Lucy Pevensie, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – Animal Crossing
All of the Pevensies love Animal Crossing, but Susan and Lucy have taken to the next level. Susan got 5 stars on her island in record time, and has cultivated a compelling collection of rare flower shades. Lucy, however, has devoted her time to interacting with her residents. At last look, she’s managed almost 300 villagers, including, inexplicably, a rather friendly faun.
Merricat and Constance Blackwood, We Have Always Lived in the Castle – TikTok
To be fair, it’s Merricat’s TikTok, which she started in order to showcase her protective spell techniques and various Wicca theories. But Constance has slowly become a fan-favorite background presence as she makes quiet sarcastic comments as Merricat nails yet another book to tree.
Beezus and Ramona, Beezus and Ramona – Baking Bread
It seemed like a good idea at time. Their father had been given a sourdough starter by a friend from one of his jobs, and their mother suggested Beezus show Ramona how to turn it into bread. However, when both parents entered the kitchen to find every inch—including their daughters—covered in flour, all their bowls overturned, and a sharp-smelling sludge all over the counter. The “Sourdough Incident,” as it was later recalled, was not repeated.

Jadzia Axelrod
Jadzia Axelrod is an author, an illustrator, and a world changer. Throughout her eventful life she has also been a circus performer, a puppeteer, a graphic designer, a sculptor, a costume designer, a podcaster and quite a few other things that she’s lost track of but will no doubt remember when the situation calls for it.She is the writer and producer of “The Voice Of Free Planet X” podcast, were she interviews stranded time-travelers, low-rent superheroes, unrepentant monsters and other such creature of sci-fi and fantasy, as well as the podcasts “Aliens You Will Meet” and “Fables Of The Flying City.” The story started in “Fables Of The Flying City” is concluded in The Battle Of Blood & Ink, a graphic novel published by Tor.She is not domestic, she is a luxury, and in that sense, necessary.