What Does Your Bookshelf Organizational Technique Say About You?
Your bookshelf speaks volumes about you. We’re not talking about the kinds of books your shelves are sporting—we’re talking about the way you stack them. Your organizational technique reveals more than you think about your personality.
You appreciate finding beauty in the world around you, so much so that you express it with your books. You observe everything, daydream, and experiment with presentation. You have cute little plants around your workspace. You’re great at coordinating outfits, choosing just the right shade when painting a room, and your artistic capabilities are spot on. We’re sure you’ve taken an art class at some point. Probably multiple art classes. So if you organize your bookshelf by color, we totally want to follow your aesthetic blog. Rock on, daydreamer.
Fantasy, romance, literary, YA, they all have their place—grouped together. You’re a logical, organized thinker. Books of the same feather flock together, right? Thematically speaking, you’ve got your things together. Your choices have rational decisions behind them, and you’re all about easily accessing what you want. When you approach a problem, your initial thought is to examine and absorb information, and then solve the issue. Your motto? It’s what’s inside that counts.
You like smooth transitions on your shelves and in your life. You’d probably be great at hiking up mountains and you love rollercoasters. Although you may have a bad day, or week, or year, you know that things always get better. You know it because it’s happened before, just like it will happen again in the future. Stress is a factor in everyone’s life. However, you tend to control it better than most.
May be paired with the Color Organizer.
The great thing about you is that you observe the world from a unique perspective. Why should books be straight up and down when it’s easier to read the spines horizontally? Logical and different. Plus, it gives your shelves some pizazz. You adapt this attitude to everything you do. Embrace the fact that you were the weird kid growing up, because it means you have an awesome future ahead. The weird ones always end up in first place. Stay quirky forever, Sideways Stacker.
Hey, you! The practical one! You appreciate all things traditional and classy. You never dog-ear your pages. You treat books with respect, with reverence, with love, and the same goes for how you treat the people in your life. Your friends come to you for advice because you’re levelheaded. You never spit out words you can’t take back; instead, you think carefully before you speak. Planning trips is your thing, and you’re damn good at it. You’ll read anything, but your favorites are the classics.
Can be paired with The Alphabetical Orderer. After all, that’s how they do it in bookstores, right? You’re super organized and tend to buy books based on authors, not genres. We’re betting you read a good amount in the literary category. You love more than just the story, you love the words. Great writing leaves you weak. You tend to favor the writing style over the actual plot, which says a lot about whom you spend your time with. Your friends are people whose best qualities are hidden a bit and require some extra work to dig out. You enjoy listening to people and making them feel comfortable. Your bonds with people are intimate, just like your bonds with your favorite books.
Ah, the true artist. A writer, more than likely, the kind who revels in not having to wear pants when it isn’t necessary, who has good intentions at the start of the organization process, who dog-ears the pages and writes in the margins. You pull out novels to use as reference, whether it’s for your own writing or just so you can find that one amazing quote, and then you don’t have the time to put the book back. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your books. You love them dearly. But having a messy pile of books means they’re better loved—the kind of love that’s intense.

Christina Schillaci
Christina is the voice behind Quirk’s social media channels and editor-in-chief of the blog. She graduated from Rowan University with her M.A. in Writing and joined Quirk in 2016. She loves weekend cooking projects, Cape May in the winter, and her dog, Rocket. Say hi on Twitter @quirkbooks or @saychristina!