Three Father’s Day Gifts That Don’t Exist–But, I Totally Want!
I'll be honest. I'm a total sucker for the DIY Father's Day gifts that my kids bring home from school. Something with their handprint on it or a homemade pencil case? Perfect. But, this year, I'd like something a bit more practical…
SUV Privacy Window
Ever take a road trip with two young kids? Ever try to have a conversation with your wife or listen to your own music during said trip? It's nearly impossible, right? Not if you have the SUV Privacy Window. It would be identical to the privacy windows that separate the front and back seats in limousines. And, it could come in soundproof glass or completely opaque varieties. Roll it up and silence. Unfortunately, these don't come manufacturer-installed…yet.
The DVR Playlist App
It's 6am. The kids are awake and you want a few more hours of sleep. At that hour, the only thing that can hold their attention is the television. Unfortunately, that means they will come in practically every 30 minutes for a new show. Enter the DVR Playlist App. Just pre-set the 4 shows that your child wants to watch and press play. The App rolls from one show to the next while you get 2 more hours of uninterrupted sleep. (And, don't judge me for having the TV babysit my kids at 6am.)
The Toy Roomba(TM)
Despite having a playroom and a basement, there are toys everywhere in my house. At the end of the day, the kids are pretty good about cleaning them up. But, it's usually a point of contention. Can't technology fix this somehow? Nowadays, we've got robots that clean your carpet, your floors, your pool, your dishes and more. It would be so much easier for everyone if we had a robot that cleaned up your toys too.
A dad can dream, right?
Regardless of the gift, I'm certain that I'll have a great day with my kids. And, I hope you have a happy Father's Day!
Share your ideas for Father's Day Gifts That Don't Exist in the comments section below. Our three favorites will win a copy of Stuff Every Dad Should Know!

Brett Cohen
Brett likes his vodka on the rocks, his meat on the grill, and his Sundays on the couch watching football. As VP, he likes Quirk’s projects to deliver on time, the P&Ls to be on budget, and sales to exceed expectations. He's the author of Stuff Every Man Should Know, Stuff Every Dad Should Know and the co-author of Recipes Every Man Should Know.