The Best Travel Companions in Literature
It's the time of year that every student loves: Spring Break. Before you pack your bags for the trip to Mexico or Florida, we would like to make some recommendations for literary travel companions to take along with you on the journey.
Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables
You might be wondering why we want to take her along on our world travels when she would burn easily and probably cause leaks in whatever boat we chose. Sure, these things would happen, but she would have such a good perspective on potential disasters: she would simply tell us that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. Besides, she'd tell the greatest stories when we were stuck in traffic, and she would make the world’s largest ball of yarn seem like something worth imagining about.
The Little Prince from The Little Prince
The Little Prince is the perfect travel companion; he has literally seen the universe. If he can handle travelling throughout space, he could certainly handle a road trip. Plus, the young prince has major wisdom. He's learned lessons on love from a fox and how not to be vain from The Conceited Man. Our major tip for travels with him: keep him away from snakes.
Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Sam is a travel companion you can count on. Want to travel to a dangerous location? He has seen worse; he has climbed up Mount Doom. Worried that he won’t like your friends and bail? He dealt with the insulting (and, quite frankly, gross) Sméagol. Your sloppy friend will be nothing shocking to him. Afraid he'll try to steal your stuff? He's resisted the power of the one Ring; he won't be tempted by your cheap costume jewelry. Can't get home from the bar? Sam will carry you home. Basically, you can't do better than Sam.
Hermione Granger from The Harry Potter Series
The girl is literally magic. Not only is she a witch, but she's the top of her class, so you know it's going to be good. If you want to travel quickly (and skip the long lines at the airport), she can apparate you to your destination. She can keep away unwatned suitors with her powers, and she can probably sneak you a chocolate frog if you are hungry. Best of all, she's really smart, so we are sure she would be a great conversationalist. Or at least a champion at pub trivia.
Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games Trilogy
If she can survive the Games, twice, she can certainly get through whatever itinerary you have planned for her. Think about it: she wouldn't have a lot of needs. She's able to go a long time without food, water, or sleep (so her costs would be really low). She also would be easy to find; all you would have to do is whistle.

Sarah Fox
Sarah Fox is an editor, writer, writing consultant, and pop culture enthusiast. Besides regularly contributing to Quirk Books’ blog, she has published an edition of William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. She lives in Washington D.C. with her husband and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. You can find her online at