Team Quirk storms the Story Storks 5k!
For a lot of us, the best Sunday mornings involve books. Getting up early and running three miles? Maybe…not so much. But bring the two together and it’s surprisingly surviveable. I mean fun!
Yesterday, a few intrepid members of Team Quirk headed across the river to beautiful New Jersey and ran in the Story Storks Run for Reading. Story Storks is a great local nonprofit that provides books to parents of all the newborns at Cooper Hospital in Camden, and a cause we could all get behind, even those of us who swore we would barely eke out a sub-40-minute race time.
Shibas are excellent motivation.
Surprises abounded! Not only did every Quirker finish in under 35 minutes, we had TWO medal-winners: Jane (left) placed 1st in her age bracket with a smoking-fast time of 25:08, and I, Blair (right, very tall) beat out the other two runners in my age category with a not-totally-embarassing time of 29:55!
A great time was had by all, but the real winner—of course—is literacy! Check out more about Story Storks on their website.

Blair Thornburgh
BLAIR THORNBURGH is a graduate of the University of Chicago, where she earned a B.A. in medieval studies and delivered a pretty good commencement speech. She lives in Philadelphia.