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The Top Midnight Moments in Pop Culture

Ah, the strike of midnight. Whether you offer us the promise of a new year with a fresh start or were the curfew set by our parents in high school, you always have a way of marking our lives. We are not the only ones under your influence; many characters in pop culture care about your chimes.

Posted by Sarah Fox

Advice from Literary Characters for an Awesome 2016

It’s the start of a brand new year, and for most of us, that means it’s time to start making some changes. While the most common resolutions might be to lose weight or save money, why not set some literature-inspired goals for yourself for 2016? Read more, smile more, be more confident or find a little extra kindness in your year. It may not help you fit into those skinny jeans, but it could make you a lot happier.

Here to help are some of the best quotes from fictional characters – even though they live only in our imaginations, that’s no reason not to turn to them for advice when it comes to keeping your resolutions.

Posted by Rose Moore

13 Writing Truths from Neil Gaiman on His Birthday

(Photo credit from @neilhimself)

Neil Gaiman has always given the world much to think about: Do dogs understand when we’re trying to write and decide to impede us anyway? Is it all right to go next door for a pad of paper and a writing utensil upon being locked out? Armageddon…or tea? These are the important questions.

Though he’s surely the next Nostradamus, Gaiman is probably better known as a writer than as a Doomsday-Darjeeling soothsayer. To celebrate this sir on his birthday, and in light of NaNoWriMo, we scoured Gaiman’s tweet backlog for ages (and by ages we mean hours looking through Twitter’s advanced search function) finding the best tidbits on writing that this jovial tea-sipping nerd king has to offer.

Posted by Alex Grover

Classic Authors Throwing The Greatest Shade At Each Other

Everyone loves these classic authors—except these other classic authors. 

If you're a bibliophile, you've probably developed some strong opinions about books. If you've ever hated an author everyone else seemed to–inexplicably–think is the greatest thing since the invention of whiskey, maybe you can sympathize with these authors who also hated other popular writers.

Posted by Natasha Brandstatter


Geek Wisdom for $3.99! 


Posted by Julie Leung


CHICAGO! Quirk Books is coming your way! We’re packing up our bags, swag, and a whole lot of awesome books and headed to C2E2 .

We’ll be in booth #516. And, we’re so pumped that we have to preview all of the amazing things you can expect to find at our booth.

Posted by Nicole De Jackmo