Our Blog

Quirk HQ Looks Back At Their Kid Athlete Days

In honor of Kid Athletes going on sale today, we at Quirk HQ decided to power up a blast from the past. And while it took some digging, much cringing, and plenty of existential thoughts on lost youth, we are pleased to present these photos of our former kid athlete selves. Who knows what multi-million dollar deals and Wheaties endorsments awaited us had we not pursued the glamorous life of independent book publishing instead? 

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

The 2015 Quirksgiving Challenge

Our favorite holiday of the year is just around the corner!  Sure, you've got Thanksgiving, if you're into that kind of thing. But we're talking, of course, about Quirksgiving!  This is the time of year when we thank you, Quirk Nation, by showering our top fans with free books and swag! Find out how you can redeem all the prizes in The 2015 Quirksgiving Challege 2015!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Highlights from Halloween 2015

Halloween? More like HalloWIN! As proven time and time again, Quirk HQ is preposterously skilled at having a good time. So check us out celebrating Halloween with some spectacular fashions.

Posted by Julie Leung

Quirk President’s Profound Enthusiasm for Back to the Future: A Visual Journey

To say Quirk President Brett Cohen is a pretty big fan of Back to the Future is like saying the Aurora Borealis is pretty neat-looking. Mere words is not enough, you simply must see it for yourself. So on this day of days, this hallowed "October 21, 2015" in the year of our pop culture significance, we'd like to take you on a visual journey chronicling how deep Brett's fandom goes. 

Posted by Julie Leung

Quirk Comics Club: July Recommendations

The gang at Quirk have been congregating for a monthly comic book club. Check out some of our favorite finds and recommendations from our July meet-up(s):

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Highlights from Quirk’s #Twinning Party

Quirky Twin Powers Activate! Highlights from our July party, where the theme was #Twinning

Posted by Julie Leung