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Unconventional Preachers in Pop Culture

 Image by Monika Robak from Pixabay

ICYMI, Preacher is back for its fourth and final season. And while it means the end of yet another comic book-inspired television show (RIP Luke Cage and Jessica Jones), we’re committed to giving the show a proper send off. To celebrate this weird show about a preacher with a criminal past — and superpowers! — we’re highlighting all of our favorite unconventional preachers. And a couple of nuns as well.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Art of Racing in the Rain and Other Dog Loving Film Adaptations We Want to See

The Art of Racing in the Rain just hit theatres and we’re so curious to see it. The movie, based on Garth Stein’s 2008 novel of the same name, centers on Enzo, a dog with a philosopher’s soul. He’s obsessed with opposable thumbs (who isn’t?) and is fascinated with the racing aspirations of his human Denny, a young widow grieving the death of his wife and custody loss of his daughter.

We’re not crying, you’re crying. To celebrate the decade-long journey of bringing this book to the big screen, we’re making a wish list of other dog-loving books that should be made into movies. So without further ado.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Best Moths in Pop Culture

Summer is well and truly here, and that means that the nights are filled with barbeques and patio drinks…and of course, moths, who just can’t stay away from those party vibes! As well as being an uninvited guest at summer gatherings, moths are the underrated cousin to the butterfly in the world of pop culture. They aren't as flashy or as colorful, and there are far fewer moth characters to be found in the pages of books or on the screen, but there are a few. This month, we are celebrating the dark and fuzzy winged ones that appear across fictional world and in pop culture, whether they're the star of the show or just a helpful little friend.

Posted by Rose Moore

B-Rated Monsters with Surprising Charm

Sometimes in life in you just want to sit back and watch a really awful horror movie. One with grotesque looking monsters, TONS of fake blood, and silly jump scares. If this sounds appealing to you, then check out these B-rated monster flicks with some surprising charm.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

The Many Literary Roles of Tom Hanks

Photo by Monique Carrati on Unsplash

While we could wax poetic all day long about Tom Hanks and what a wonderful actor is — and the sneaky way he became America’s dad despite a romcom start. (You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle forever.) What we really want to talk about is just how literary his career is. And we’re not just talking about his book of short stories written on typewriters, Uncommon Type. Books pop up everywhere in Tom Hanks’ career. It’s almost like he’s a bookworm or something. We’re celebrating every literary role he’s ever taken, starting with the not-yet-released — and the rumors! — and working all the way back to Forrest Gump.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Strange Buddy Cop Pairings in Pop Culture

In Andrew Shaffer’s 2018 political fantasy slash buddy cop book Hope Never Dies, former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden team up for an unlikely, yet strangely satisfying premise: Biden’s favorite train conductor has died and he’s the only one who can solve the mystery. But not without his political counterpart, the irreplaceable Barack Obama.

This week, Shaffer’s back with a sequel to this madcap mystery – this time to catch the culprit who stole President Obama’s prized Blackberry. Hope Rides Again is the perfect companion to a densely populated Democratic primary, but it’s not the only buddy cop pairing on our mind. Join us as we dive into the strangest and most delightful buddy cop pairings in the pop culture universe.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman