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Six Books We’d Gift to a Guillermo del Toro Fan

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October and all things spooky are officially upon us. We imagine Guillermo del Toro exiting some gothic style home right now, donning Dracula’s cape and Dr. Caligari’s top hat. While fans of del Toro might be tempted to watch his films this October, might we suggest a few spooky reads instead?

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Daily Kindle Deals for 9/19

Prices subject to change.

This September, we're featuring Quirk's best e-book discounts! Keep reading for today's Hollywood and historical classics:

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

What If George R. R. Martin Had Written Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is a Socialist parable about the horrors of the meat industry at the turn of the last century. George R.R. Martin is one of the most famous fantasy authors living. Their books couldn’t be more different, and yet there’s remarkable similarities between them. Take, for example, Sinclair’s description of the killing floor and the Red Wedding. How then would the man known for dragons and swordplay do with Sinclair’s own bloody realism?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

A Spoiler-Free Review of the Balloons in IT: Chapter 2

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Last Friday night, my wife and I got in the car and drove to our favorite movie theatre. This is a bit of a routine of ours when a big movie lands, and we had tickets to one of the biggest: a 7pm showing of IT: Chapter 2. As the sun set, I reflected back on the film’s first chapter and tried to refamiliarize myself with the plot. Having read the book, it didn’t matter that I’d only seen the movie once. The story came floating back. And so I entered the theatre that night, like most, excited to see what the director had in store for the next installment. 

Posted by J. B. Kish

Best Fictional Burgers Ranked

Burgers are one of life’s simple pleasures. Whether you cook yours with meat, or veggies, we can all agree that a good burger is hard to beat. We bet you enjoyed a burger over your Labor Day weekend, and since summer has come to an unofficial close, we decided to rank the BEST fictional burgers of all time!

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Which Keanu is Your Boyfriend?

Photo taken by Quirk Books

Happy Birthday, Keanu Reeves! This breathtaking power Virgo was born September 2, 1964. Let’s celebrate everyone’s favorite internet boyfriend by finding out just which iteration of Keanu is The One for you.


You and your boyfriend Keanu meet-cute…

a. Just like so many strong couples do—while working closely together to thwart the evil overlords out to sap humankind of its life force.
b. At an all-night noodle shop, after battling it out with some literal demons in the neon-lit streets of LA. You cute little night owls, you!
c. He tried doing a skateboard trick and wiped out in front of you. It was ok though! He got back up and let you know he has, like, strong cartilage or something.
d. You both use the same public bench as your brooding destination of choice. It was only a matter of time until your paths crossed.


You and your Keanu have your first date…

a. By accident, as you are thrown together by circumstances beyond your control. You spent most of the time bantering and saving each other… with undertones of sexual tension.
b. At a seedy dive bar that may or may not be run by a demonic entity. 
c. Paintballing, where you take no prisoners and CRUSH your enemies. Yeah, they are ten years old, but whatever man!
d. Sighing wistfully and talking about loneliness over coffee.


Your boyfriend Keanu likes to kiss you…

a. Dramatically, after you’ve taken out the bad guys. An explosion in the background is optional, but welcome.
b. Passionately, but only after burying his weapons in the basement again and taking a nice, long shower.
c. When your folks aren’t looking.
d. Slowly and deeply in an empty bar, after exchanging a lot of sassy yet heartfelt banter and “Every Breath You Take” starts to play.


You and Keanu go together like…

a. Pop quizzes and hot shots
b. Haunted men and cigarettes
c. Best friends and bank robberies
d. Lakes and Houses


Your Keanu’s love language is…

a. Acts of Service—doing the laundry, saving the world, making sure you have what you need to keep the bus above 50 miles per hour.
b. Physical Touch—tender for you, and tough for anyone foolish enough to try and collect the bounty on your head.
c. Quality time—and quality time travel, too.
d. Gifts—sandwiches, cupcakes, bottles of wine, and a seat saved on his favorite park bench—and motorcycle.


Music is the food of love. You and your Keanu have a taste for…

a. Whatever you wish to listen to, Keanu will oblige.
b. Ariana Grande. What? You have layers.
c. Acoustic guitar singalongs round beachside campfires.
d. Jangly alternative rock, as played in the background when you guys finally make up after a tearful misunderstanding.


You and Keanu always celebrate your anniversary by…

a. Getting couples massages.
b. Communing with the Great Beyond.
c. Doing something awesome and adrenaline-filled and maybe ending up in the hospital.
d. Staring into each other’s eyes between crying breaks. One of these days, you’ll pull off one of these ill-conceived bank heists of yours. Until then, at least you have each other!



MOSTLY As: Good Guy Keanu

You love a man of action, whose heart is true, haircut is tight, and whose turtleneck is either tactical or of finest black cashmere. Your Keanu is a true hero, whether he’s saving the world, a bus full of people, someone’s honor, or simply complimenting your achievements.

Let the sun of your The One shine on you by watching The Matrix, Speed, A Walk In the Clouds, and Something’s Gotta Give.


MOSTLY Bs: Good Bad Guy Keanu

You love a bad boy with a heart of gold and a dangerous data package in his head. Together, you crack wise–and some skulls. But only in pursuit of saving the world!

Throw down with your surly or silent hunk of complicated hero by watching Constantine, The Devil’s Advocate, any John Wick, and Johnny Mnemonic.


MOSTLY Cs: Sweet Baby Angel Keanu

Maybe your baby is a few presidential face masks short of a set, but you like him that way. Your Keanu makes up for what he lacks in brains with heart and enthusiasm. Some Keanus may go on a spree of vengeance over a puppy, but your Keanu pretty much is one.

Cozy up to your pup by watching Bill & Ted 1 or 2, Point Break, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Parenthood.


MOSTLY Ds: Washed Up Everyman Keanu

Some Keanus save the world, and some hide out on their boat house to escape their failed football careers. Some give the devil his literal due, and some get a lot of crap from their partners in a string of failed small-time crimes. Your Keanu may not be the Chosen One, but he would definitely choose to write you loving letters about his path to redemption and send them to you from across time and space.

Settle in with your guy by watching The Replacements, Feeling Minnesota, The Lake House, and all Sad Keanu memes.


For Your Consideration: Keanu Reeves is out October 15 from Quirk Books, by Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris.

Posted by Larissa Zageris and Kitty Curran