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Saint Patrick Vs. Godzilla!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Your pals at Quirk Books would like to celebrate the occasion with that most Irish of gifts: a story. Have you ever wondered who would win in a no holds-barred battle between the beloved Bishop of Ireland and the infamous King of Monsters? Of course you have. Now you can find out, in this free 5-chapter battle royale. Check out the exerpt below, then if you like it download the FREE PDF for the complete senses-shattering saga. It's the Shamrock Saint verse the Green Gargantua…with the fate of all mankind hanging in the balance!

Posted by Rick Chillot

How To Stop this Terrible Awful Horrible Winter

Posted by Rick Chillot

February’s Quirk Perk: The Onion Presents Love, Sex, and Other Natural Disasters




Here are more than one hundred news stories of high-school sweethearts, college hook-ups, dating disasters, weddings, divorces, and restraining orders. From “18-Year-Old Miraculously Finds Soulmate In Hometown” to “Couple Forgets 70th Wedding Anniversary,” these reports capture the heartbreak and hilarity of the human experience.

The Onion is America’s Finest News Source. It is the last bastion of unbiased, reliable, and definitive news in a world dominated by superficiality, mediocrity, and non-Onion news outlets. Since its founding back in 1988, The Onion has expanded into an omnipotent news empire reaching millions of fans through print, broadcast, radio, online, and mobile outlets. Today, The Onion misinforms more than 1.5 million readers in print and 7.5 million online each month.

Posted by Eric Smith

Eat More Books, Episode 16: “Problem Solved”



Posted by Rick Chillot

December’s Quirk Perk: The Onion Presents Christmas Exposed

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from your pals at Quirk Books.

Posted by Rick Chillot