Our Blog
Quirk E. Cat: Advice Column #1
Editor's Note: In an effort to keep Quirk E. Cat from napping at his desk, we have assigned him to Advice Column duty. We apologize in advance.
Posted by Quirk E. Cat
Ren Faire Run by Literary Characters
The season of Renaissance Faires has arrived, and it's one of our favorite times of the year. It's one of the few times you can wear period clothing (or, in some cases, fairy wings and steam punk outfits) and aren't ridiculed—you're celebrated. There are jousts, hilarious comedy shows, and most importantly, TURKEY LEGS. While we know Ren Faires are already pretty awesome, we think our excitement would be elevated even more if our favorite literary characters ran the festival.
Posted by Sarah Fox
Fictional Teachers Who Are Not Ready for Back to School
It’s that time of year again! While students are sharpening their pencils and laying out that first day outfit, teachers everywhere are jogging their syllabi and redecorating the classroom, full of hope and the joy of knowledge. Except for these three. To be honest, they’re kind of dreading it. But they’re here. And they’re sticking around until students start chanting “No more pencils, no more books. No more teachers’ dirty looks.” Whether they like it or not.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Fictional Teachers Who Are Not Ready for Back to School
It’s that time of year again! While students are sharpening their pencils and laying out that first day outfit, teachers everywhere are jogging their syllabi and redecorating the classroom, full of hope and the joy of knowledge. Except for these three. To be honest, they’re kind of dreading it. But they’re here. And they’re sticking around until students start chanting “No more pencils, no more books. No more teachers’ dirty looks.” Whether they like it or not.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Ray Bradbury the Magnificent
Let's play a game called What If. What if Ray Bradbury, science fiction writer extraordinaire, had become a magician instead? It may sound farfetched, but growing up, Bradbury loved magic—so much that he often said if he hadn't discovered writing, he would have become a magician. And thus, behold…Ray the Magnificent!
Posted by Sandra Woolf
Fictional Students Who Are Not Ready For Back To School
The air is cooling, the leaves are changing, and school bells everywhere are starting to ring. Hang on, that can’t be right! Summer just started. The pool’s still open. We forgot to have fun fun fun! To honor those of you who are in denial about classes starting up again, here are a few of our favorite young adult characters who are so not ready to go back to school.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman