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Literature’s Most Scaredy Cat Characters
When it comes to reading, we tend to remember the brave and courageous. But what about the cautious and apprehensive? These fearful individuals are often overlooked by their heroic couterparts. For this spooky holiday season, let's celebrate the scaredy cats in literature!
Posted by Sandra Woolf
Frankenstein’s Support Group For Misunderstood Monsters
Thursday, 8pm. Unitarian Church basement.
FRANKENSTEIN: Welcome, everyone. I see we have some new faces here, some new faces on familiar bodies, as well as some who don’t have faces at all. Welcome all. Help yourself to some cocoa. To those who are new, my name is Frankenstein, but you can call me Frank. (sees WOLFMAN with his arm raised) Yes? There’s no reason to raise a paw. Just speak up.
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
October is the month we’re basically made up of sugar, obsessed with watching as many horror movies as possible, and reading ALL the dark books. Throw in Halloween crafts plus putting together our costumes—did we mention all the Halloween candy we eat?!—and you can see why it’s our favorite month.
In the spirit of continuing the fun we decided to play a game: #HalloweenABook. Make sure to join us on Twitter!
Posted by Jamie Canaves
Ghosts of Authors Past
The leaves are falling and there’s a nip in the air. But before we pull out our sweaters and switch over to a soup-only diet, we have to check in with some of literature’s dearly departed and wish them a happy Halloween. For those of you who don’t commune with dead authors on a regular basis, we’ve decided to check in with a few of our favorites as they showed us around the halls they still haunt.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Literary Survival Tips for the Zombie Apocalypse
This weekend, The Walking Dead returns after an agonizingly (thanks to the season 6 finale's doozy of a cliffhanger) long hiatus, and we already know that, as always, Rick and his ragtag gang of survivors have managed to get themselves into quite a pickle. Not all of our favorites made it out of season 6 in one piece, and for those who are left, things are looking (again, as always) rather grim.
Posted by Lauren Thoman
e.e.cummings vs. CAPS LOCK
October has two amazing days: e.e. cummings’ birthday and National Caps Lock Day. In honor of both days, we imagined a debate between e.e. cummings and the caps lock key.
Posted by Sarah Fox