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QUIZ: Is Your BFF Stabbing You in the Back?


The Ides of March is here, so we don’t know about you, but we’re watching our backs. In case you’re not in the know, Julius Caesar was famously stabbed to death on the Ides of March (that’s March 15, by the way) by his friend and protégé, Brutus. Since we love you so much and don’t want you to suffer the same fate, we’ve created a literature-based quiz to help you determine if your BFF is about to stab (or is currently stabbing) you in the back.

Posted by Sarah Fox

The Regrettable Supervillain Name Generator

There’s a little supervillain in all of us. Okay, maybe there's a LOT of supervillain in all of us. Whatever the case may be, you can't devise ominous master plans in your lair without a name to match your evilness. 

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

A Look Inside Fictional Characters’ Fanny Packs

For some reason the fanny pack is one of those trends that just keeps trying to come back. We get it—fanny packs are incredibly useful. They’re hands-free, fit a ridiculous amount of useful things in their many, many pockets, and, yes, they’re even sometimes in really cool fabrics. So maybe the trend makes a bit of sense. But have you considered what some of your favorite fictional characters would carry inside their fanny packs? No? Well, we have.

Posted by Stefani Sloma

Super Mar. 10 in Book Form

Image by MikesPhotos from Pixabay.

Today is March 10. Mar. 10. Mario. Get it?

Let's say we describe a few books, replacing character names, places, and other things with those from the many Super Mario games out there. Would you be able to guess what stories we're talking about? Anyone can play – don't worry about whether you're familiar with the games or not, and of course, we aren't rolling with anything too obscure. Try your hand at our game and tell us if you managed to guess them all! The answers are all the way at the bottom. 

Posted by Kristina Pino

Dr. Seuss-Inspired Books About Modern Technology

What would Dr. Seuss write about in these days of social media and omnipresent cellphone use? Here’s some selections from those Dr. Seuss books he never got a chance (or had a desire) to write.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Quirk E. Cat Advice Column #6: The Classic “Book Hits Face”


Editor’s Note: In an effort to keep Quirk E. Cat from napping at his desk, we have assigned him to Advice Column duty. We apologize in advance.

Posted by Quirk E. Cat