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Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Win a Sword Fight

Just because Game of Thrones finished its fourth season and won’t return to our TVs for only the gods know how long doesn’t mean it’s totally over.

Suppose you’re yearning for that excitement of watching one of the epic sword fights and that suspense of not knowing what’s going to happen, and you decide you want to have a sword fight of your own. Or, someone else is feeling this way and challenges you to a duel (you never know).

Whether you have a tiny poker like Arya Stark’s Needle or a big ol’ slab of Valyrian steel, you also have The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook to lead you to victory. And if all else fails, just remember to stick your opponent with the pointy end. Read on to find out how to win a sword fight:

Posted by Marissa Stern

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Escape From Killer Bees

Just looking at this is giving me hives. Get it?! Hives??

When a truck carrying up to 20 million bees (?!?!) overturned in Delaware last month, the news was all abuzz (sorry, I had to) and this week, a swarm of the buzzing pests had to be removed from the lanes of the Pennsylvania turnpike so drivers could pass through sting-free. Who knows where they will turn up next?

It sounds like a bad horror movie, but you can be prepared with the help of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook’ guide on How to Escape From Killer Bees.

Posted by Marissa Stern

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Play Out of a Water Trap

Many mishaps can occur on the golf course. Your golf cart breaks down. You hit the ball into a tree. Or sometimes, you get a little too into the game, maybe loosen your aim a little too much and you hit the ball square into a water trap. It happens to everyone, right? Right?

To fix it and still make your shot without just stepping in blindly, let The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf tell you how it’s done:

Posted by Marissa Stern

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Escape from Quicksand

There may come a time when you are feeling especially Indiana Jones-like and find yourself walking through an area where quicksand is native and suddenly begin to sink into the ground. You may panic (which is not surprising) and need a quick way to figure out how to get out of your predicament before it is too late.

Well, lucky for you, The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook has the answer. (And hopefully you have a pole handy so you don’t have to hold on to a snake in order to be rescued like poor Indy.) Here is how to escape from quicksand:

Posted by Marissa Stern

Worst-Case Wednesday: What To Do If Your Golf Club Gets Stuck In A Tree

Father's Day is quickly approaching, and if we know any true stereotypes about dear old Dad, it's that he would prefer tee-time over tea-time. While he would sure appreciate a nice day out on the course, soaking in the sun and hopefully making a few balls into the holes, trouble does not shy away from a golf club. Potentially dangerous situations lurk behind every golf cart, but never fear! The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf is here to save the day! For example. if Dad gets a little too into the game and ends up with his club stuck in a tree, here's what you do:

Posted by Marissa Stern

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Make Household Chores Fun

Bonus Tip: Find cute animals to help you out.

Now that the dark days of winter are gone, many people will set out to clear off some of the dark place in their homes. That’s right; we’re referring to the dreaded spring cleaning. While there are some who relish the opportunity to give their home a good scrubbing, many of us fear and loathe household chores.

But, thanks to The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, we have some very important instructions on how to survive all the tasks on your to-do list, and maybe even have some fun while you’re at it (active imagination required for most of these).

Posted by Erin McInerney