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Quirk Heads to C2E2: All Your Deep Dish Pizza Are Belong To Us (Also, A Giveaway!)
Convention season is upon us, Quirk fans. And we are psyched. We love heading to these events, and spending time with all of you!
This month, we're heading off to C2E2 in Chicago from April 25th to April 27th. You'll be able to find me and Nicole De Jackmo at Booth #520, selling books, giving away swag, and dishing out high fives galore.
Now, on to what we've got planned.
SWAG: Over the course of the convention, we'll be giving away plenty of fun Quirk totebags (for you to lug all your other swag around in, of course) and tons of posters, including posters for The Empire Striketh Back, The Jedi Doth Return, How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity, and Nick & Tesla's High-Voltage Danger Lab.
BOOKS: We're bringing plenty of our fan favorites, including signed copies of Ransom Riggs' Hollow City and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.
SIGNINGS: On Saturday, April 26th, some guy named Eric Smith will be signing copies of The Geek's Guide to Dating at 2:30pm at our booth.
And on Sunday, April 27th, Ian Doescher will be signing William Shakespeare's Star Wars and The Empire Striketh Back at 2:45pm. He'll also be on a panel from 1:15pm to 2:15pm in room S403.
Posted by Eric Smith
Five Bookish iPhone Games You Should Be Playing Right Now
I play a lot of iPhone games. Sometimes, too many.
I’m frequently kept up at night, filled with turmoil and wrestling with what game I should delete to make room on my iPhone for important things and… OMG. There’s a new Final Fantasy game out?! It takes up 1.2GB of space? WHAT DO I DO?!
[Deletes entire album full of photos and treasured, precious memories]
Whew. Okay.
As someone who adores books and video games equally, I love it when I’m able to find a combination of both of those things. Whether it’s with a book that uses video games as a key plot point (Ready Player One), or a game that happens to incorporate the literary (Device 6).
Here are a few iOS games inspired by books, that you should probably start playing now.
Posted by Eric Smith
#TwitterFiction Festival is March 12-16! Check Out Our Authors’ Stories
Here at Quirk, #we #love #Twitter. (Psst. Come follow us!) So we're incredibly excited to have three Quirk writers participating in the #TwitterFiction Festival 2014: Ben H. Winters (The Last Policeman), Ian Doescher (William Shakespeare's Star Wars), and Eric Smith (The Geek's Guide to Dating).
Read on to find out more and learn how you can write your own #TwitterFiction!
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
Fictional Characters That Doctor Who Should Totally Meet
Doctor Who is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary season. During those tumultuous 50 years The Doctor has come in contact with a number of great characters. Not only does he have an impressive array of companions, but he also comes in contact with historic and fictional characters. He’s met Sherlock Holmes and fought alongside Blackbeard. There is no limit to the Doctor Who universe. Now that Matt Smith is gone and Peter Capaldi has taken the reins (literally) we think The Doctor should run into a few other fictional heroes.
Posted by Jo Pincushion
Six Other Works Of Literature Worthy of a LEGO Video Game
I was pretty excited when the announcement regarding the latest LEGO video game dropped back in December. I mean, I already have the fantastic Lord of the Rings LEGO video game, and I adored all of the Harry Potter LEGO video games… but now there's going to be a Hobbit adaptation?
And the LEGO minifig looks like Martin Freeman? YES!
Okay, okay, I get it. The game is more of an adaptation of the movie and not the book. It specifically focuses on the first two films, An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation of Smaug, and chances are the third game will end up being some standalone title or (evil) DLC. But you know what? I'm okay with that.
Because Martin Freeman minifig.
But let's talk about others works of literature that might make for amazing LEGO video games. Because I want them, and because several people have already gone ahead and made projects inspired by these literary masterpieces. Let's go!
Image via Flickr
MOBY DICK: A thrilling adventure on the high seas! LEGO minifigs running around a ship, whaling, floating around on rowboats, and oh yeah, chasing after a massive white LEGO whale?
And can you imagine the beautiful brick waves of water? Yes. Yes you can. Let's do this, video game developers.
SHERLOCK HOLMES: Remember when I went crazy over the Martin Freeman minifigs? WELL I'M NOT DONE YET.
Someone went ahead and made Sherlock inspired LEGOs. Let's hire this person to be the designer on the Sherlock Holmes LEGO video game. Do some serious sleuthing around a brick world. Also, more plastic block shaped Martin Freeman.
Image via Eurobricks
THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS: A LEGO video game adaptation of James Fenimore Cooper's classic work of literature? I'd play it. Perhaps, just perhaps, we could get Daniel Day Lewis on board to reprise his role, and provide the voice over for Nathaniel. A boy can dream.
THE ODYSSEY: Someone already went to the (amazing, incredible) trouble of recreating this scene in LEGO, and seriously, the epicness is pretty astounding. Seeing as how Homer's works are frequently getting new films, TV series, and are the inspiration for countless other works, a LEGO video game just feels right, you know?
Image via Flickr
You know, I'm actually really surprised this doesn't exist yet. Maybe it's because the whole teenagers killing teenagers thing wouldn't gel with the whole "rated E for Everybody" ranking LEGO games get. That's probably it. Whatever, I'd play it.
Bonus, watch this trailer done up in LEGOs. Awesome.
Long John Silver via Flickr
TREASURE ISLAND: Robert Louis Stevenson's classic would make for a great LEGO video game. And LEGO is almost there! There's already a LEGO Treasure Island… although it isn't quite what we're looking for. And there are plenty of pirate playsets. Come on guys, let's do this.
Alright guys, I've gone on long enough. What are some pieces of literature YOU'D like to play as a LEGO video game?
Posted by Eric Smith