Our Blog

From Toothless to Smaug to Maleficent: 10 of Our Favorite Dragons in Pop Culture

Daenerys’ roaring children, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Smaug, Toothless’ reappearance on the big screen: dragons are definitely in style this season! Fire-breathing, scaled, and generally-winged, dragons have been a big hit in myth and fiction for centuries. These days, they’re taking popular fiction and the big screen by storm. You can even check out this reference guide to compare the size of your favorite dragons! Here are 10 of the most beloved dragons in pop culture; which are your favorites?

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Book Expo America 2014: Photos & Video!

It should come as no surprise that Book Expo America was, as always, a truly awesome time. We love that convention. Spending time with our friends in the publishing world, meeting bloggers, and hanging out with new fans… it's really hard not to have a blast. 

Posted by Eric Smith

TOTES BOOKS: Win a Quirk Books BEA Tote!

Last week, we posted this photo of our BEA totebag… and you guys were PSYCHED about it.

But for every person that thought it was (totes) awesome, someone was sad they wouldn't be able to grab one at Book Expo America. We listened, Quirk fans. Go ahead and enter the Rafflecopter below to be entered to win a bag. We'll even throw a surprise book or two inside when we get back.

I'm giving away… how's 20 sound? Yeah? Okay done. 20.

And if you're going to BEA, make sure you swing by our booth! #2848! We'll have lots of swag, signings, and more. Details here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Posted by Eric Smith

Quirk Books Heads to Book Expo America, Brings Swag, Authors, & High Fives

Wow, is it seriously almost time for BEA? Weren't we just at C2E2 in Chicago? Where does the time go? 
Next week, the Quirk Books crew are packing up shop and heading up to New York City for Book Expo America, and we couldn't be more excited. We've got some awesome new books to show off, some authors for you to meet, and a TON of giveaways. Because hey, we like you. We want to give you stuff. 
Giveaways include posters for How to Make Your Baby an Internet Celebrity, Jane Austen: Cover to Cover, and Kid Presidents. And of course, we will have the coveted Quirk totebags with us. Get ready, they are a lot of fun this year. 
We'll be setting up at Booth #2848. Come by, say hello, take some swag! And as for the schedule for signings and events, well, here you go!

Posted by Eric Smith

Photos & Video From Our Trip to C2E2!

Last week, Nicole De Jackmo and I packed our bags (and a bunch of books) and zipped off to C2E2, to talk to convention goers about Quirk. We had an awesome time meeting fans, introducing people to our authors, and of course, taking in the amazing cosplay at the con. 


From Ian Doescher's awesome book signing to eager Ben H. Winters fans clamouring for World of Trouble ARCs, it was a wonderful experience. Above, you'll find a short video of some of our highlights, and below, a number of photos from the convention floor.

Thanks for having us Chicago! We'll see you next year. 

Posted by Eric Smith

WhoTube: The Best Doctor Who Mashups

When we’re feeling down and need a pick me up we usually head over to YouTube to look at cat videos.  We found something equally as awesome.  If you’re a Whovian we’re sure you’ve seen these videos floating around cyber space.  We’re talking about fan made YouTube Doctor Who Mashups—and boy are they amazing!

We know the Doctor Who universe is much bigger than what we see on the show.  Thanks to YouTube, fans have taken it upon themselves to make some pretty interesting videos.  These are much more than fan fiction.  They’re a way for fans to give back to the franchise they love so much.  

Posted by Jo Pincushion