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Quirk Books @ ALA Midwinter 2015: Come Say Hi, Enter Our Giveaway!

Hello from sunny Chicago! Really, it's sunny in Chicago! I just arrived and am excited to see all of the fabulous librarians that will are joining me in the Windy City for ALA Midwinter 2015.

There is a lot going on at ALA Midwinter and Quirk is certainly well-represented at the Penguin Random House booth.

Posted by Nicole De Jackmo

Sneak Peek: The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy

A few years ago, while at a party for The Mary Sue during New York Comic Con, I met Sam Maggs

We were both writing for Geekosystem at the time, with my former college roommate Glen Tickle. We geeked out over movies and comics, as one does at such a party, and talked about the awesome cosplay we saw at the convention. I enjoyed her articles and writing ever since. 

Fast forward two or so years, and Quirk is putting out her debut book. The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy. And I couldn't be happier to see her smart, witty writing in print. This is one special book, and I'm thrilled to give you all a sneak peek!

Posted by Eric Smith

Happy 2015: Win a Sneak Peek Into This Year!

Working in publishing, sometimes it can be really easy to lose all concept of time. All around the office, you can spot books that aren't set to come out for another, oh, six months or so. This is a common scene around the HQ:

"Did this come out yet?"

"No Eric, that book isn't out for another year."

"What about this one?"

"That book comes out today… did you have your coffee yet?!" 

And you know what? I'd like to confuse you a little too. 

The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook (March 24th), The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy (May 12th), and Nick & Tesla's Special Effects Spectacular (May 5th) aren't due out for a little while, and this is your chance to win a prize pack with all three! I'll even include a sampler of Manhattan Mayhem (April 7th), which includes four stories from the upcoming collection.

Go ahead and enter the Rafflecopter below. I've got THREE prize packs to send out. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Posted by Eric Smith

How to Be Awesome at Getting a Geeky Tattoo

(image via)

We at Quirk fully support getting tattoos of amazing things (just ask Eric about his epic Jules Verne tattoo). If you really, truly, ohmyGodIcan’tstopthinkingaboutit love something about your fandom (and you’re not afraid of needles,) a tattoo is the perfect way to wear your heart on (the skin beneath) your sleeve.

Posted by Blair Thornburgh

How-to Tuesday: A Roundup of Sci-Fi & Fantasy Inspired Cross Stitch Patterns

There’s certainly no shortage of science fiction and fantasy-inspired crafts on the internet, and it can sometimes be hard to make heads or tails of the offerings. Would it be better to create a felt Triffid, or embroider a map of Middle Earth? Would heading to a pottery studio to make a replica pensieve be a good use of your time? Or how about a papier maché Nautilus?

The choices is intimidating, so to streamline the process and get your crafting as soon as possible, here is a selection of sci fi and fantasy-inspired cross stitch patterns that are great for beginners.   

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

Fun Times at New York Comic Con 2014!

And we are back!

If you follow us on Twitter (you should!) you might have noticed this weekend was full of costumes, book signings, and lots of good times. We were at New York Comic Con, and the Quirk crew had a blast.

In the video above, I've pooled together some of our favorite moments at the convention. Signings with Grady Hendrix, Sam Maggs, and Ransom Riggs. Amazing cosplayers visiting the booth. And of course, just the general awesome-ness around the convention center. Keep an eye out for Rick Chillot's incredible Horrorstor cosplay. Seriously, it was awesome.

There are also some photos below and on our Flickr page, including snaps I took of Quirk Books found at The Strand in NYC, one of my personal favorite bookstores. 

See you all next year, NYCC goers! Thanks for a good time. 

Posted by Eric Smith