Our Blog

Sam Says: How To Prepare For C2E2

The con is mere days away now, and if you’re anything like me you’re feeling a little barfy from equal parts excitement and nerves. But don’t be like me and leave all your packing until the last minute! Here’s a list of things you need to be sure to remember to bring to C2E2 to have the absolute best time possible (because no one wants their fangirling interrupted by foot pain or a head cold!)

Posted by Sam Maggs

Headed to C2E2? Here Are Three Surefire Tips for Taking Killer Cosplay Photos

image via flickr

Headed to a convention soon? Will there be cosplayers? 

Cosplay photography can be daunting. Are you holding cosplayers up? Will they say no? Will a crowd of oblivious attendees walk between your model and your camera? But the average cosplay photograph for the roaming photographer takes all of 10 seconds to shoot, and most cosplayers are eager to participate and be photographed. These three tips will simply take things up to the next level. After all, these cosplayers worked like hell to prepare their beautiful cosplay, so you, the photographer, should make a little effort to take the best photos you can. 

Posted by Kristina Pino


We’re really excited to be publishing Sam Maggs’s first book, The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy.  And not just because she appreciates the film Pacific Rim and understands when we say we have a “drift compatible” author / publisher relationship.

Although that is certainly part of it.

There’s a lot planned for this book’s debut. We made an AWESOME book trailer. We released an epic poster at New York Comic Con (that subsequently took on a life of its own on Tumblr); we revealed the cover on The Nerdist; we’re putting together a blog tour; and Sam is busy lining up epic appearances at conventions throughout Canada and here in the States.

But what about YOU? Well, we’ve put together a pre-order campaign, just for you Sam Maggs fans out there. Read on to find out how you can get signed bookplates, limited signed posters, and other awesome Fangirl swag.

NOTE FOR ALL PRE-ORDER-ERS: To enter, email a photo or a screenshot of your receipt to [email protected] with the subject line "Fangirl Pre-order." Make sure you send us your shipping address with your entry!

This campaign is open to US and Canada only. 



Fangirl Level: Squee!, Status: OPEN, UNLIMITED (Until Pub Date)


Want to get a signed bookplate to place in your brand new, shiny copy of The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy? Pre-order a copy, email [email protected] with a screenshot of your receipt and the subject line "Fangirl Pre-order" and you'll receive a free, signed bookplate from Sam Maggs to sticker inside of your book!

On Twitter? Tell your friends you pre-ordered by using the hashtag #FangirlGuide! The more pre-orders that roll in, the more perks get unlocked!  



Fangirl Level: I Ship It, Status: UNLOCKED, 50 Packs Available!


A button pack of fangirl terminology, custom curated by Sam Maggs! These buttons read "I'm The Doctor, Not A Companion!" Each pack comes with five buttons.

Once open, the first 50 pre-order-ers will get a button pack, as well as a signed bookplate. Email [email protected] with a screenshot of your receipt and the subject line "Fangirl Pre-order," and keep tweeting with the hashtag #FangirlGuide! There are more perks to unlock!



Fangirl Level: ZOMG!, Status: UNLOCKED, 200 Available!


Want a copy of The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy poster, which features Sam Maggs’s Fangirl Manifesto on it? This poster took off on Tumblr, went quickly at New York Comic Con, and we’ve got a few left just for you!

The first 200 pre-orders to email a photo or a screenshot of their receipt to [email protected] with the subject line "Fangirl Pre-order" will receive a free, limited signed poster from Sam Maggs. And again, keep tweeting with that hashtag, you guys, Let’s unlock these bigger perks.



Fangirl Level: EPIC, Status: LOCKED, 1 Available


THE FINAL LEVEL! One lucky pre-order-er will score a special Fangirl’s Convention Survival Kit, curated by Sam Maggs. Inside, you’ll find everything pictured below. You’ll also get a pin pack, bookplate, and a signed poster.

Contents of the Fangirl’s Convention Survival Kit include: Strong Female Character Tote Bag, water bottle, poster tube, Cards Against Humanity, colorful Sharpies, sewing kit, hand sanitizer, hand moisturizer, and lip balm!


So come on, start sending us your entries! Email a photo or a screenshot of your receipt to [email protected] with your shipping address, and the subject line "Fangirl Pre-order." And don't forget to tweet with the hashtag #FangirlGuide.


Posted by Suzanne Wallace

Ten Great Webcomics Turned Books

I know what you’re thinking: why would I read the book versions of these comics when I can get them for free on the internet? Trust me, I thought that, too. But the reasons are: 

A.) Books are awesome! You can hold them in your hands and cuddle them and sit them with you at the breakfast table and argue with them about finances and…

B.) The creators frequently put comics into the books that are not available online, so you can ONLY read them if you get the books. And…

C.) Supporting artists by purchasing their books and merchandise is great! It feels awesome! It feels like tummy rubs and cheesy popcorn! You should do it sometimes, is what I’m saying.

Posted by Hilary Lawlor

Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Books on My Spring TBR List

It’s difficult for me to think about Spring when I just had to sit through yet another snow storm on the weekend (thanks, Canadian weather). But the topic for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday with Broke & the Bookish is our Spring TBR list, so I’m going to close the curtains in my home office and try really hard to think about warmer weather and the perfect books to welcome in the new season.

Posted by Maria Vicente

Ten Awesome Comics with Female Writers, Artists and/or Colorists

In my very important and learned opinion, it’s just as important to have women represented behind the scenes as it is to see them on the pages of the comics we love. After all, none of us will ever be a comic book character, but some of us may help to create them one day, in one form or another.

Keep in mind that MANY of the comics mentioned in Part I of this three-part lady-comics-fest have amazing female writers, artists, and colorists. This list is highlighting the ladies behind the scenes of comics that may not feature ladies IN the scenes (and some of them totally do. Lists can’t be eternal).

1. Edward Scissorhands (Kate Leth – Writer): The people behind Edward Scissorhands – including the awesome Kate Leth, founder of the Valkyries (a group for women who work in comic book stores) and mind behind the webcomic Kate Or Die! – have really been killing it with this new series. They’re only three issues in, but I’m already hooked on the art and the storyline – which takes place after the movie. It’s super ‘80s-goth-fabulous and really great.

2. Manhattan Projects (Jordie Bellaire – Colorist): If you like comics, you’ve probably heard the name Jordie Bellaire before. Not only did she win an Eisner this past year for her coloring work, she is working on just about every awesome series that’s running right now. I picked Manhattan Projects to represent her work because, despite the decided lack of ladies (unless you count Laika, the space dog, which I totally do because YEAH LAIKA), I love this comic. It’s funny and fascinating.

Posted by Hilary Lawlor