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The Fangirl’s Guide to Ladies Winning The Internet: The Extended Edition

For The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy, I wanted to speak the awesomest geeky gals in the biz, all about how their experience as a fan has influenced and shaped their lives. Unfortunately, due to a tight page count and a super-mean editor (just kidding, love you Blair! <3), we could only fit a few interviews into the final book. But there was so much goodness left over that I just had to share their geek girl wisdom with the world.

Today, I bring you some fangirl fabulousness from the wicked women of the Internet, including Victoria McNally, Susana Polo, Rachael Berkey, Mia Moore, Melissa Kay, Nicole Wakelin, Kristin Hackett, and Brittney Brombacher.

Posted by Sam Maggs

YA Lit Fan? Here Are Nine Manga Series You’ll Love

Think back on the last time you went to a bookstore. That aisle of brightly-colored books with numbers on their spines. No, not the encyclopedia aisle. The other one. The manga aisle, usually full of readers squatting down by their favorite series, reading voraciously with an adoring, excited look in their eyes.

And while you may know Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, or that one with the card-playing kid with the spiky hair, you may NOT know just how many different kinds of manga there are. In fact, many manga have stories with a similar feel to some contemporary YA fiction. If you've never given manga a try, now's the time! So sit back, pull up a chair, and let’s get you reading some manga!

Posted by Ashley Poston

The Fangirl’s Guide to Galaxy Blog Tour!


Have we fangirled hard enough for Sam Maggs' book, The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, on sale May 12th? Not. even. close. 

Posted by Julie Leung

The Fangirl’s Guide to Lady Gamers: The Extended Edition

For The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy, I wanted to speak the awesomest geeky gals in the biz, all about how their experience as a fan has influenced and shaped their lives. Unfortunately, due to a tight page count and a super-mean editor (just kidding, love you Blair! <3), we could only fit a few interviews into the final book. But there was so much goodness left over that I just had to share their geek girl wisdom with the world.

Today, I bring you some fangirl fabulousness from the wicked women of gaming, including Brianna Wu, Ashly Burch, Kami Fortner, Alison Rapp, Andrea Rene, Soha Kareem, Kristin Lindsay, and Cara Ellison.

Posted by Sam Maggs

How-To Tuesday: How to Make Gummie Han Solos in Carbonite

Make your own tasty rebels snacks with these simple instructions for DIY gummie candies! These treats are ideal for Star Wars parties, movie marathons, or just hanging out in Jabba’s palace. You could even use them to fill your Death Star piñata!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Celebrate May the Fourth with a DIY Death Star Piñata!

I find your lack of candy disturbing…

Why did the Imperial forces keep rebuilding the same interstellar battle station? Clearly because it was full of candy. Make your own Death Star piñata for May the Fourth, a Star Wars birthday party, or a release party for Star Wars: The Force Awakens! (Bonus points if you use a lightsaber to take a whack at it!)

Posted by Margaret Dunham