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Celebrate Towel Day: Embroidery Projects for Hoopy Froods

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels. A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.

But if every hoopy hitchhiker is carrying a towel, how can you tell which is yours? Well, aspiring froods, by embroidering it yourself! Here’s our Towel Day guide to embroidering your massively useful towel with any of these Guide-themed designs made especially for you.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Best Women Space Travelers in Comics


In 1978, a young woman by the name of Sally Ride joined NASA. On June 18th of 1983, she became the first American woman in space. Her trip on the space shuttle Challenger also made her the first woman ever to operate a robotic arm in space and retrieve a satellite. In 2012, Ride passed away from pancreatic cancer. On May 26th, America will celebrate Ride’s impressive achievements. To honor Sally in typical Quirk fashion, we put together a list of some of the best women in space from the world of comics.  

Posted by David Winnick


SCIENCE! Where would superheroes be without it? If not for the admittedly shaky principles of comic book super-physics and four-color chemistry, we’d live in a world without Iron Man or The Flash, sans the Atom or Ant-Man; even the Hulk and Captain America would be absent from our cultural landscape. But in writing The League of Regrettable Superheroes, I was frequently reminded that not all super-scientists have their thinking caps on straight, even by comic book standards. Here’s a selection of five mental giants whose questionable choices and often-terrifying inventions will never get them on the good side of the Nobel Prize committee.


Posted by Jon Morris

How To Live Your Best Geek Life: Advice from Quirk’s Geekiest Guides

There are a plethora of self-help titles floating around the ‘verse. So many in fact, trying to find the right one for you can be a lot like Harry Potter trying to track down horcruxes, or the crew of Battlestar Galactica attempting to find Earth in the vast expanses of space… only you don’t have any Sacred Scrolls or magic powers to guide you on your quest. Until now, that is. We collected the best advice we could find from our very own Fandom-tastic titles. (Two of which are only $3.99 until the end of the month: Geek Wisdom and Geek's Guide to Dating, just sayin'!) Just don’t let the cylons and muggles know. 

Posted by Hannah Frank

5 Geeky Bike Accessories to Flaunt Your Fandom

Image via Neatorama.com

Here at Quirk, we know a thing or two about being geeks. So in honor of National Bike Month, we’ve gathered up the coolest bike accessories with major nerd points. Whether you’re riding for business or pleasure, these awesome accoutrements will make you feel like a superhero just for dusting off the ‘cycle.


Posted by Hannah Frank

The Fangirl’s Guide to Professional Fangirling: The Extended Edition

For The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy, I wanted to speak the awesomest geeky gals in the biz, all about how their experience as a fan has influenced and shaped their lives. Unfortunately, due to a tight page count and a super-mean editor (just kidding, love you Blair! <3), we could only fit a few interviews into the final book. But there was so much goodness left over that I just had to share their geek girl wisdom with the world.

Posted by Sam Maggs