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7 Literary Meditations for the Long Lines at San Diego Comic-Con

San Diego Comic-Con is upon us, and with it, the season of sneak peeks, swag, and epic lines. Stay the course as you wait in line with these meditations from authors and thinkers about the value of patience, waiting, and persistence.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Best CosPlays We Found on The Internet Round-up

It’s hard to explain cosplay without actually living it. Some people think you’re crazy for spending so much money on costumes, while others revere you for looking nearly identical to Poison Ivy or Hatsune Miku. The sky’s the limit when it comes to who you can dress as, who you can be. For a few short hours, you can abandon your life and step into someone else’s shoes. Just like submerging yourself in a book, you become someone else. You transform.

In honor of that perfect feeling and just in time for San Diego Comic-Con—where some of the best cosplayers debut their masterpieces—here are some of the best cosplays we’ve ever seen around the interwebzTM

Posted by Ashley Poston

July 2015 Book Giveaways

We've got a bevy of good books seeking loving homes this month, including ARCs of two hotly anticipated Fall titles! 

Check out where you can request copies below. Giveaways will run until August 1. May the odds be ever in your flavor! 

Posted by Julie Leung

How To Plan Your Geeky Picnic

Now that we're waist-deep in the halcyon days of summer, it's a great time to spend your time outdoors. But if sweating and physical activity aren't appealing to you, might we recommend a geeky or literary themed picnic with your friends? Here are some tips to make your next day in the park an utterly nerdy affair.

Posted by Kristina Pino

5 Dinosaur Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List

Long after the dinosaurs toppled from the top of the food chain and into extinction, they continue to dominate pop culture. From books to movies to television shows, they range from the really good (Jurassic Park) to the really bad (Jurassic Park III) to the utterly ridiculous (Tammy and the T-Rex). But no matter how bad or ridiculous, they always draw an audience. If you know you'll leave the theater after Jurassic World is over and still want more dinosaurs, you’ll want to add these five books to your summer reading list.

Posted by Sarah Brown

Lessons Learned at BEA/BookCon 2015 (+ Giveaway)!

"It's like geek heaven, you gotta check it out!" — anonymous guy on his phone at our BEA/Bookcon booth, who basically gave us the best endorsement ever. 

Posted by Julie Leung