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The Quirk Corral: Direwolves and Near-Divorces

Yeah, it’s Monday. Lucky for you, we've rounded up all our favorite bookish, geeky, and crafty news from the Internet to help you start your week. Whether you are a diehard Reading Rainbow fan or looking to whip up some seriously crazy looking pancakes, we’ve got you covered each week. 

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Star Trek The Next Generation’s Most Outlandish Outfits

It can be difficult to design costumes for a science fiction series. Your characters must be wearing something believable, but the outfit also must convey how very alien this new world is. Some shows get it right, but for others, like the Star Trek franchise, there’s a long-standing tradition of questionable fashion choices. Whether it’s the Barbarella-esque Sexy Alien Girl of the WeekTM on the Original Series, or the Klingon’s cabaret biker look in the later shows, fans have come to expect the ridiculous. Star Trek: The Next Generation in particular managed to sneak in some of the best (worst) fashions of them all. 

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

If Vintage Video Games Infiltrated Literary Classics

We're really excited about the movie Pixels. Aliens. ‘80s. Vintage video games. Peter Dinklage. This movie can straight up suck and we're still going to be happy watching Pac-Man confronted by his creator, Toru Iwatani.

So in true Quirk fashion, our brains start to spin out some weird (or possibly genius) ideas. In this case, what if vintage video games infiltrated literary classics? Hope you're ready, player one.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Quirk @ San Diego Comic-Con 2015 Highlights

Comic-Con International 2015 is in the books! And, boy, was it a blast. Here are my highlights from SDCC. And, at the bottom, be sure to check out the photo gallery full of great cosplay, booth activity, party shenanigans, Hall H hoopla and much more.​

Posted by Brett Cohen

Tips for Dealing With Your #SDCC FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

There’s no doubt that the biggest event of the geek calendar is San Diego Comic-Con. Mecca for the pop culture inclined. Nerdvana. 

Every year, 130,000 fans descend on San Diego for five days of panels, screeners, parties and event—if they were lucky enough to get a ticket. It’s so huge, so stupendously, mind-numbingly popular, that (according to this unofficial SDCC Blog) there’s only around a 6% chance of getting in. Around a million hopefuls attempted to snag a badge this year, and that’s just the ones who could have actually gone. Who knows how many more fans will be sitting at home come July 8th, mournfully gazing at their computer screens, wishing that they could be one of the privileged few rubbing shoulders with the glitterati of geekdom. 

If you’re one of those suffering from a severe case of SDCC FOMO, fear not! Here are some tips on how to deal: 

Posted by Rose Moore

7 Literary Meditations for the Long Lines at San Diego Comic-Con

San Diego Comic-Con is upon us, and with it, the season of sneak peeks, swag, and epic lines. Stay the course as you wait in line with these meditations from authors and thinkers about the value of patience, waiting, and persistence.

Posted by Margaret Dunham