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Friendship Pairings for Game of Thrones Characters
With constantly shifting alliances, the characters in the Game of Thrones series can rarely relax with friends, talk about what’s on their minds, and really bond. Since besties are hard to come by within the world of Westeros, we have some suggestions for non-Westerosi friends they might enjoy spending time with – without the threat of a sour friendship turning into political betrayal, imprisonment or even death!
Posted by Nick Beard
Self-Help Books for Shakespeare’s Characters
From villains to tragic heroes, these days, there’s a whole self-help genre that might have provided comfort for Shakespeare's tortured characters. Here are some books we wish we could recommend:
Posted by Eve Legato
Quirk Corral: Turn Your Instagram Feed Into a Coloring Book, and Other Oddities
[Image Credit: Comic Book Resources]
Get ready for a new batch of the freshest bookish, geeky, and crafty links that the internet has to offer. This week you can join the adult coloring craze by transforming your Instagram feed into a customized book or practice yelling some fantastic literary quotes. Most importantly, make sure you have the best week ever.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
Orphan Black and Alice in Wonderland Mash-ups
Orphan Black Season 4 premieres April 14th which means we get more nutjob Helena—our favorite! Also clones pretending to be other clones, delicious drama, and even more hilarious moments.
As we await the moment to run homes to our TVs, we thought that Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, in all its bizarre glory, would lend some perfect quotes to Orphan Black screen caps. Behold, our mash-up: Orphan Black Wonderland.
Posted by Jamie Canaves
Photo Highlights from Emerald City Comic-Con 2016
We came, we comic-conned, we con-quered! Here are some photos from our whirlwind weekend in Seattled where the books sold like hotcakes and a bevy of characters came to visit us at Booth 215!
Posted by Julie Leung