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Yoga for Book Lovers!

The new year is here, and you've probably made two resolutions: to get in shape and to read more books. So why not combine the two?

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Bake What You Wish and None Dare Resist: DIY Smaug-Inspired Oven Mitts

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your kitchen calculations, if you live near him.

Cakes, breads, cookies and roasts – all the things a delicious dragons hoard boasts! Embrace your inner domestic dragon with your own pair of Smaug-inspired oven mitts designed to protect your hands like tenfold shields against the fires of stove and oven.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

25 More Laws of Robotics

[Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash]

We all know Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics:


1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.


But that hardly covers every interaction a robot might have. Here are 25 additional laws of robotics, to cover any eventuality.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Celebrate Winter with Six Geeky Cutout Snowflake Ideas!

(Image via www.kitcameo.com)

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on 12/20/13. Get decorating!

Paper snowflakes are a winter staple, and there's really no easier way to make the season of warm drinks, big fireplaces, and family baking more festive. But even though the holidays are usually all about Christmas trees, stars, and menorahs, there's no reason why you can't indulge your nerdier side with this easy craft.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

How-To Tuesday: Save the Day in a DIY Cape


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on 8/4/15.

This Tuesday we're here to help you become the hero of your own story – compete with your own custom-made cape!

A nod to The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, this red over-shoulder cape is perfect for the heroine who’s saving the day on her own terms. With a comfy tied closure, this cape sits well on all body types without catching around the neck. Get ready to don on a cape that even Edna Mode will approve of!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The 10 Geekiest Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Editor's Note: The holidays are still going, folks! Keep wearing those ugly sweaters. Post originally published on December 12/18/15.

The ugly Christmas sweater. Once the bane of any child’s existence, it has now become a chic throwback. Perhaps it can be traced to Leslie Hall’s epic “Gem Sweater.” Or perhaps it was inspired by simple irony – everything can be connected to irony. But not for us. We’ve always been fans of the bizarre garment. 

In any case, what are rebellious geeks to do when everyone else has co-opted their look? Why, look even geekier! We are here to help, with our top 10 geeky ugly Christmas sweaters.

Posted by Carrie Jo Tucker