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A Look at Comics’ Most Influential Couple
[Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash]
Today is Spouses Day, where the celebration of marital bliss is on the docket. While many people love their spouses, it is rare to see married people garner the same high level of regard in a single industry. Writers Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick have been two of the most influential comic creators of the last few years. Their works have been at the forefront of the modern feminist movement in the comics industry. With some of the coolest books on the shelf and a list of impressive collaborators, Fraction and DeConnick have taken comics storytelling to new heights. Their work has inspired a whole slew of people to cosplay as their characters and even put tattoos on themselves. Below is a round-up of some of the pair’s best pieces.
Posted by David Winnick
DIY Epic Fantasy Belt Pouch!
Magic beans. Crystal shards. Enchanted acorns. Dice.
When one travels through the woods on an epic quest, one has the occasion to carry all manner of tiny trinkets and magical items. To stow them you’ll need something secure but close at hand. A handmade belt pouch is the perfect accessory to keep your items safe (and secret, as the case may be). This pouch has a rough-hewn handmade look to it, so each one you make will be a little bit different. Here’s how to make your own.
Posted by Margaret Dunham
Geeky Activists Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which provided a chance for all of us to reflect on America’s complicated history regarding equality – and a chance for us to look to the future. But we’re not the only ones who do that. Fictional characters have always been reflections of our own journeys and struggles. These fictional activists are top-notch examples of the enduring nature of Dr. King’s example and legacy…even if their passion might be fighting for elves, a space rebellion, or genetic mutants.
Posted by Nick Beard
The Top 4 Bookish Instagram Posts (and How to Make Them Your Own)
Ah, Instagram. A great place to share what you’re up to, what you’re into, and how it’s all going. But how do you capture a decidedly in-person experience like reading on the small, captioned, and hashtagged screen? First, some general Instagram tips:
Posted by Margaret Dunham
How Fictional Characters Spent Their New Year’s Eve
A non-comprehensive roundup of how certain fictional characters spent the final day of the year.
Posted by Lauren Thoman
Tolkien White Oliphaunt
[Movie still from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings, New Line Cinema]
In an alternate universe where the nine members of Tolkein’s Fellowship of the Ring did not assemble for the purposes of deciding what to do with an unfathomably evil Ring of Power, and instead came together solely to partake in holiday merriment, they might have opted to participate in a White Elephant gift exchange. Or, as would be more accurate in Middle Earth, a White Oliphaunt. View their results here.
Posted by Lauren Thoman