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March Quirk Perk: The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy

What If Les Miserables Was A DnD Game?

DM: You sure you want to play a Lawful Good character? You usually play more ruthless guys.


JAVERT: No, it’s cool. I want to stretch myself.


DM: Okay, it’s in the prison that you meet Jean Valjean, who was arrested for stealing a loaf of bread.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Geeky Hygge Haul

[Photo by Stella Rose on Unsplash]

You may have noticed that lifestyle magazines and blogs everywhere have started using a word that sounds like the transliteration of a sneeze: hygge. But what the dickens is hygge?, you may be asking yourself, and also, how do I pronounce it? Simply put, it’s the Danish word for ‘cozy;’ it’s pronounced HOOG-ah; and it represents the feeling of utter contentedness that comes from surrounding yourself with things that make you happy, relaxed and comfortable. And if you’re a geek like us, then geeky = happy and comfortable. So let’s get our geeky hygge on, shall we?

Posted by Sandra Woolf

An Ode to Brains

[Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash]

Today is No Brainer Day, and while it may be a day which celebrates the simple and obvious, sometimes these things are not the same for everyone.

Posted by David Winnick

Oscar Awards Bestowed Upon Fictional Characters


This year’s Oscar nominations included films containing incredibly diverse and fascinating cinematic experiences: an international adoption from Calcutta to Tasmania, a heightened musical representation of artistic LA and working class African-American 1950s Pittsburgh.

The Oscars are intended to recognise extraordinary accomplishments and storytelling, dream worlds and universal truths within movies. We have some of our own suggestions for Oscars (or would they be called the Quirkeys?). We’re providing nominations and winners in our own play on words production. Could we have the envelopes, please?

And the winner is

Posted by Nick Beard

Style Roundup: Throwing a Les Mis Pity Party

We’ll admit it, February can be a bit of a gloomy month. Spring is tantalizingly close… and yet it feels so far away when the snow is still falling. The holidays are long gone and those wonderful New Year/New You intentions are fading away in the rearview mirror. But though it may be a bit ‘blah’, February also marks the birthday of one of France’s best-known novelists: Victor Hugo. Born on the 26th in 1876, Hugo’s writing certainly suits his birth month – his most famous works (Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame) are deeply melancholy, with death and despair at every turn.

Posted by Rose Moore