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Belle Vs Jane: Which Princess Takes The Right Approach To Reading?
This month, Disney’s live action adaptation of the animated classic, Beauty and the Beast, hit theaters – and bookworms everywhere are thrilled to see this library-loving princess brought to life. Belle has always been the Disney Princess for girls who love to read. After all, the very first time that we meet Belle, she’s headed to the bookstore (and to a scene that put ‘sliding on a rolling bookcase ladder’ on every bucket list). Later, the Beast shows us the way to every reader’s heart when he presents Belle with a stunning library. Books are everything to Belle – they are her form of escapism in the town and a mark of the Beast’s love.
Posted by Rose Moore
Abducted: Planets We’d Be Okay Visiting
[Movie still from The Little Prince, ON Animation Studios]
Happy Alien Abduction Day! While we’re not exactly psyched to get pulled away from Earth by strange creatures, we do have some planets we wouldn’t mind seeing. We’ve listed the ones worthy of a tour below.
Posted by Sarah Fox
Geeky Beauty and the Beast
[Movie still from Beauty and the Beast (2017), Walt Disney Pictures]
We all know that Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time – but it doesn’t have to stay that way. What if we put a geeky spin on this classic tale of love? Let’s move away from the past and look into the future. Why, a love this historic could be…out of this world! That’s right, folks, we’re talking Beauty and the Beast in space!
Posted by Sandra Woolf
Q&A with Jaimie from Espionage Cosmetics
Jaimie Cordero is the CEO, Glitter Jedi, and one of the all around fantastic ladies behind Espionage Cosmetics. Glitter is important, friends. Check out the interview below!
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
The Regrettable Supervillain Name Generator
There’s a little supervillain in all of us. Okay, maybe there's a LOT of supervillain in all of us. Whatever the case may be, you can't devise ominous master plans in your lair without a name to match your evilness.
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
A Look Inside Fictional Characters’ Fanny Packs
For some reason the fanny pack is one of those trends that just keeps trying to come back. We get it—fanny packs are incredibly useful. They’re hands-free, fit a ridiculous amount of useful things in their many, many pockets, and, yes, they’re even sometimes in really cool fabrics. So maybe the trend makes a bit of sense. But have you considered what some of your favorite fictional characters would carry inside their fanny packs? No? Well, we have.
Posted by Stefani Sloma