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Weirdest Shakespeare Adaptations Ever Made

Around the world, Shakespearean theaters are celebrating the birth date (and possibly death date) of the most famous playwright in history. Whether you love the Bard’s works, like we do, or don’t get what all the fuss is about, it’s hard to deny how influential Billy Shakes has been on pretty much every author to come after him. Beloved movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, She’s the Man, the Lion King, and West Side Story wouldn’t have existed without Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, respectively.

But you know about those movies, right? We’re gonna get a little obscure, a little weird, and a little silly with these six bizarre adaptations of Shakespeare’s work.

Posted by Elizabeth Ballou

How to Make Small Talk with an Alien Overlord

[Movie still from Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm]

You find yourself stuck on a Vogon ship and are brought forward for a poetry reading. Shoved out of line before the Conehead Highmaster, you are instructed to Gnarfle the Garthok. You enter a glossy black throne room, and are confronted with Darth Sidious/Galactic Emperor Palpatine. What do you say in a moment like that? How to you even begin to converse with an alien who has complete control over you, your ship, and maybe even your planet? Anyone can be flustered by small talk, but when you’re under pressure like this it’s important to prepare. Before you discuss the future of your species with a hostile alien overlord, here are a few tips to help you get ready.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Consequences of Time Travelers Who Meet Their Ancestors

[TV still from Doctor Who, BBC]

Time travel can be a tricky thing. One must avoid paradoxes, black holes, and alternate dimensions. But most importantly you must be careful when meeting your own ancestor. Here are a few fictional characters who learned that very lesson.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Visit Quirk at C2E2!

C2E2 is creeping up and we're getting excited! Visit us at booth #516 from April 21 – 23. Not convinced? We'll have awesome swag, so you should be.

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Visit Quirk at C2E2!

C2E2 is creeping up and we're getting excited! Visit us at booth #516 from April 21 – 23. Not convinced? We'll have awesome swag, so you should be.

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Five Ways to Show Your Medievalist Friend You Care

March 31st is Hug A Medievalist Day, the most important holiday of the year if you chose to devote your course of study to Chaucer, Charlemagne, or Camelot. As Quirk’s resident medievalist, I am DELIGHTED to provide you with some additional ways to celebrate that special Middle Ages expert in your life (especially if they’re not too keen on the hugging thing). Let us sally forth!

Posted by Blair Thornburgh