Our Blog

How to Make a Last-Minute Cosplay

[Image by Виктория Бородинова from Pixabay]

Convention season is starting, but maybe you’ve told yourself that you’re not going this year. I don’t have time, you say. I’ll save myself some money. Then you find out that the cast of your favorite show is speaking on a panel, an author you admire will be signing books, or the next game you’re aching to try will have a demo available. Before you know it, you’ve bought a con pass and made plans with friends…but you still have nothing to wear! And you can’t show up at a con without a cosplay, right?

Posted by Elizabeth Ballou

Trip-Saving Locations Within a 10-Minute Walk of SDCC

If it’s your first time going to SDCC and the first time going to San Diego at all, you might be paralyzed with fear of getting around an unknown city, but never fear! There are more than a few places that will save your butt. From a quick snack between panels to emergency supplies to nighttime outfits, here's a list of 5 places I can walk to with my eyes closed from practice over the years. Know these spots and you too can relax and enjoy your trip without panicking.

Posted by Hope Nicholson

Con Etiquette: Q&As About Q&As

[Photo by Ed Rojas on Unsplash]

Summer’s here, and for comic book nerds, that means one thing: convention season! The big kahuna, San Diego Comic-Con, takes place at the end of July, but it’s far from the only event that brings together comics, movies, TV, and gaming under one roof. There’s something different at every con, but there are a few things that tend to span every single event. The sales floor, where fans can actually buy comics (as well as merchandise and collectibles). Artists’ alley and the autograph area, where fans can meet the creators and actors they love and get autographs and even photos with them. And the panels, where actors and creators entertain an audience with live discussions on everything from geek media to their upcoming season.

Posted by Rose Moore

Which 80s Song is Your BFF Anthem?

Every BFF pair needs a killer BFF anthem. Find yours with this quiz and celebrate with My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix—in paperback!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

What Are You, Some Kind of Comedian?

Ten Dead Comedians is out today! Pick up a copy, but in the meantime, find out what comedic style best fits you. Once you do, share your comedy type on social media using one of the cards below. Don't forget to tag us and use the hashtag #TenDeadComedians!

Oh, and don't forget to play a game of CLUE in our Instagram Murder Mystery! Solve the crime to be entered to win a Murder Mystery Pack.

Infographic created for Quirk Books by Michael Rogalski, eyewashweb.com.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff


A Guerrilla Guide to Doing San Diego Comic-Con Without a Badge, Money, or Dignity  


San Diego Comic-Con is coming up, or as it is known to science, "Nerd Mardi Gras." For nearly a week in mid-July the population of this Southern California city swells by several hundred thousand pop culture fans, all expressing their undying love for the intellectual property of large entertainment corporations, along with the representatives of said entertainment corporations, looking to extract that love in the form of money.


Posted by Fred Van Lente