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Close Encounters of Multiple Kinds

With Close Encounters of the Third Kind returning to theaters with a 4K restoration of Steven Spielberg’s director’s cut, the question on every one’s mind is what other sort of close encounters could there be? From the first to the last, here’s your guide to contact with an alien species.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Happy International Bacon Day from a Bacon Enthusiast

Photo by Antonio Barroro on Unsplash

September 2 is International Bacon Day. As Quirk's resident bacon enthusiast, I thought I’d share some of my favorite pieces of bacon stuff from around the Web.


Shaky Bacon Necklace

I am a big fan of The World of Mr. Toast. They have fun animations, comics, artwork and products. Unsurprisingly, my favorite character is Shaky Bacon. And, Shaky Bacon has his own line of products including a great necklace to wear your pork pride proudly.


The Breakfast Club Throw Pillow 

This playful re-imagination of The Breakfast Club movie poster with actual breakfast foods is amazing. In the simplest of terms, each one of us is an orange, and an egg, and a piece of toast, a slice of bacon and a cup of coffee. Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.


Bacon Explosion

This legendary recipe exploded onto the Internet in 2008 via the BBQ Addicts web site. And, that summer, I prepared this piece of pork perfection for a guys' weekend. While the above photo displays my results, it cannot completely convey the experience of eating it. Make it. Share it with friends. Trust me.

Bacon Awesome: My son created this recipe. When he was 5 years old. And, he named it. It’s a simple concoction that blends sweet and salty flavors. 1 part crispy bacon. 1 part Frosted Flakes. Mix together. Eat in a bowl as breakfast. Or, serve it in a large bowl at a party. No need to thank me.


Hit me up on Twitter (@BaconTheBooks) and let me know how you are celebrating International Bacon Day. In the meantime, enjoy this bacon-friendly video.

Posted by Brett Cohen

Pop-Culture Ode To Fangirls

Not too long ago, geekdom was seen only as the realm of the uber-nerd; a place for overweight, under-socialized weirdos to indulge their love of comic books and video games away from the rest of the world. The essence of that is still true — fandoms are all about a shared love of fictional worlds. But we’ve come a long way from the image of the ‘Comic Book Guy’ in recent years as geek culture has become a mainstream global phenomenon.

Posted by Rose Moore

Comics Pro to Prose: How I Got to Here

I started out, when I was younger, wanting to be a novelist.


In the ultimate act of tween nerdery one year for my birthday I was given the choice to get contact lenses or a typewriter, but not both.


Up until that point in my life I had been tormented for being a bespectacled nerd by my classmates, and so I knew what that was like; I could handle that. A new, glasses-less identity was appealing, but unknown.

Posted by Fred Van Lente

Shark Week: Frickin’ Laser Beams

It's Shark Week 2017! Every year, we kick up our feet and watch terrifying sharks on our TV screens—but you weren't going to the beach again this summer, were you? No? Not anymore?

But what are sharks without frickin' laser beams? Share this post if you can find the one shark without a frickin' laser beam.


Infographic created for Quirk Books by Mike Rogalski, eyewashweb.com.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Would Harrison Ford’s Iconic Characters Survive in Westeros?

[Movie still from Blade Runner 2049, Alcon Entertainment and Columbia Pictures]

In honor of Harrison Ford’s 75th birthday this past week, and Game of Thrones returning for its seventh season this weekend, today we are ranking some of Harrison Ford’s iconic characters by their likelihood to survive in the Seven Kingdoms. For the purposes of this post, we will assume that while the characters retain their personalities, they will bring none of the technology of their worlds into Westeros. Which means no blasters for Han Solo and zero ambiguity over whether Deckard is a Replicant.


Posted by Lauren Thoman