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Quirk Corral: Chocolate Cumberbunnies and Saving Shakespeare’s Puns

Here at Quirk, we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for Harry Potter quotes that didn’t make the movies or a recipe for cake batter frosting, we’re sure to have something to make your day a little brighter.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Quirk Corral: To Butterbeer-finity and Beyond!

Here at Quirk we’ve spent the week searching the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for a recipe for brownie cakelets or some NASA travel posters, we’re sure to have something to make your day a little brighter.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Witch vs. Witch: Three Duels

No doubt everyone in the United States is familiar with the Salem Witch Trials. The story has been the inspiration of many a tale, including the newly released horror film, The Witch. And to make the story even stranger, 1692 was a leap year and arrest warrants were issued for Tituba, Sarah Osbourne, and Sarah Good on Feb 29th. With all this mind, we at Quirk wanted to take a look at the many witches that have cast a spell on our pop culture, and how they would fare in a good old-fashioned cage match.  

Posted by David Winnick

A Playlist for Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre has not had the easiest life. She may not be a great beauty, but she possesses brains, dignity, passion, and a strong desire for independence. Her sense of honor and justice prevails as she faces numerous hardships, from being orphaned and enduring cruelty from her aunt, to being sent away to a brutal boarding school, to falling in love with a man who (spoiler alert) has an insane wife locked away in his mansion. Jane’s playlist is one that reflects the strong but dreamy spirit of Brontë’s heroine.

Posted by Margarita Montimore

8 Nights of Hanukkah Reading

It is Hanukkah time again, which means that everyone is struggling to find the best gifts possible for those special people. While it is easy to fall back on the ever famous classics like socks and gift cards, why not spend this year’s celebration giving out hours of entertainment at a low, low cost. No doubt everyone reading this article loves to read, so here is a list of eight books by eight of the best Jewish writers to celebrate the holiday.

Posted by David Winnick

7 Literary Characters Banned from Our Thanksgiving Dinner

No matter how much you love your family the Thanksgiving Day table can easily turn into a scene from The Hunger Games when there’s only one Pillsbury roll left and more than one hand grabbing for it. That’s why along with our fictional-characters-we’d-love-to-picnic-with list we also have 7 fictional characters banned from our turkey dinner. No turkey for you!

Posted by Jamie Canaves