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5 Books to Get You in the Mood for Summer

Shed those layers, book fiends. Warmer months are up ahead. Here at Quirk, we’ve compiled a list of books to help ease you into summer. 

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Mexican-American Authors You Should Know

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Time to celebrate the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla. While it’s tempting to drink margaritas and call it a day, here at Quirk Books we prefer an alternate mode of celebration: the celebration of Chicano literature. We’ve put together a list of five Mexican American authors you could be reading right now.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Literary Characters Who Could Be on Reality TV

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, some reality TV shows are so well-known that they must tap into some human instinct. Maybe even some literary instinct? Because we know plenty of characters from books who would be great candidates for reality television. Here are a few.

Posted by Eve Legato

5 Fantastic, Deadly, and Sometimes Rude Fictional Flowers

Georgia O'Keeffe once said that no one takes the time to look at flowers. It's true that, while appreciated for their beauty, flowers aren't regarded as "serious" plants. Maybe that's why so many authors turn flowers into plants that are powerful, dangerous, and magical. In honor of Spring, here are some of our favorite fictional flowers.

Posted by Natasha Brandstatter

Orphan Black and Alice in Wonderland Mash-ups

Orphan Black Season 4 premieres April 14th which means we get more nutjob Helena—our favorite! Also clones pretending to be other clones, delicious drama, and even more hilarious moments.

As we await the moment to run homes to our TVs, we thought that Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, in all its bizarre glory, would lend some perfect quotes to Orphan Black screen caps. Behold, our mash-up: Orphan Black Wonderland.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

If Fictional Characters Ran Their Own Bookmobiles…

This year we thought we’d celebrate National Bookmobile Day by placing some fictional characters in charge of some real life libraries on wheels. While Kimmy Schmidt is still one of our favorite imagined librarians, we couldn’t picture her driving a bookmobile through the streets of NY without ending up in an accident. So we left her happily working in the public library as we set out on the road.

Posted by Jamie Canaves