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How to Identify a Book Lover

Wait, is today the day? The day for us, the book-crazed fanatics who would rather spend hours inhaling novels than extroverting? It is. National Book Lovers Day is upon us. It's a time to appreciate the bookworm(s) in your life. In celebration of Book Lovers Day, grab your next read, settle in, and take solace in the fact that we are all weird book-smellers.

Posted by Bree Crowder

DIY: A Book Banana Split

A banana split is traditionally an ice cream-based dessert. But with a little imagination, you can make one with other things…even books. Although a book banana split may not be as delicious to your tongue as the real thing, its ingredients can be rather satiating to your soul.

Posted by Nik Searles

The Athletes of Fiction

Bring on the summer sports! Here at Quirk Books, we’re fantasizing about our own favorite athletes–the fictional ones. Without further ado – and an imaginary opening ceremony – here are the athletes of our literary dreams.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Dear Sister: Letters from Sisters in Literature

The first Sunday in August is Sisters’ Day, which like anything involving family can go many ways. We're celebrating with literature, because, of course. Read up on our favorite literary sisters and their imagined letters, notes, and messages—from dip pens to drunk emailing! 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

5 Real Life Problems And Solutions From The Little Prince

(c) Kim Min Ji

While we wait in anticipation for The Little Prince to come out on Netflix, we've realized that many of life's conundrums and complications can be resolved through the wisdom of the book. It's always that way, isn't it? The greatest bits of advice and information are tucked away in the classics, where we sometimes forget to look. 

Posted by Kristina Pino

Best Moby Dick Swag: A Roundup

Happy Birthday, Herman Melville! We're grateful you wrote your magnum opus, Moby Dick, because it not only has given us a deeper understanding of man’s struggle with God, but it has provided the inspiration for a lot of cool swag. And call us Ishmael if this swag isn't awesome.

Posted by Sarah Fox