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Literature’s Laziest Characters

We've been listening to a lot of Martha & the Vendellas in this major heat wave. When the weather is this warm, the last thing we want to do is work. Despite our reluctant bones, we still managed to gather up enough energy to compile a list of literature’s laziest characters. Now we need to take a nap.

Posted by Sarah Fox

August Nook Book Deal: Hollow City

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs only $9.99 on Nook

Get it before it's over! The Nook Book Deal ends this Thursday.

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Literary French Fries

August 19th has been designated National Potato Day and really, could there be a more delicious holiday? Potatoes are a wonderful vegetable and can be prepared in a multitude of ways. You can boil them, bake them, fry them, mash them, roast them…ugh, man, do we want potatoes. The possibilities are endless!

French Fries are by far one of the most popular ways to serve potatoes and legend has it that they were first introduced in the United States by Thomas Jefferson. Supposed during his term as president, he requested that the White House chef prepare “potatoes served in the French manner” for a dinner party. 

Today we’re putting a literary spin on some french fries to bring you recipes inspired by books. The recipes below don’t list quantities, as you can use as much or as little of the toppings as you’d like.

Posted by Sarah Brown

6 Ways to Cheer Up Heathcliff

Okay, we get it. You have had a rough life, Heathcliff. Sure, it was pretty terrible that you were treated like a servant and your love married another guy. Still, that doesn’t give you a blank check to act like a jerk to everyone. We think this search for revenge is dragging you down, so we've gathered up some alternative activities to make you feel better.

Posted by Sarah Fox

The Middle Children of Literature

Here at Quirk Books we’re…stuck in the middle with you! It’s National Middle Child Day today and to celebrate we’re talking about our favorite middle children of literature. So settle in and pay attention to us. (Please.)

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Muses: Zelda Fitzgerald & Co.

The literary incarnations of Zelda Fitzgerald are, perhaps, the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Though the term wasn’t coined by critic Nathan Rabin until over 50 years after Zelda’s death, the various characters based on her bring life, spirit, wealth and power to their chosen suitors.

Posted by Nick Beard