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Books About Banned Books

[Header from ALA's Banned Books Week]

Banned Books Week is upon us and here at Quirk Books we’re celebrating by saving our favorite tomes from the fire, slipping challenged books into school children’s backpacks, and counter-protesting at city counsel. Okay, not really. But while we’re over here embracing books of all shapes, sizes, and subject matters while simultaneously wondering What Would Leslie Knope Do?, here’s a round up of books about banned books. Because you know we’re celebrating Banned Books Week in style: cuddled up on the couch with our favorite novel.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Best Uniforms in Books

[Still from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Warner Bros.]

School has just started again, and everyone has survived the stress of picking out an outfit for the first day of school. But here's the kicker: that stress repeats itself every day, especially if you find that your closet is lacking. School uniforms solve that issue, although some are better than others. We've compiled a list of our favorite uniforms in books. Don that plaid skirt and tie—we're headed for a roundup.

Posted by Sarah Fox

Challenged Books with Cover Redesigns

[Still from Doctor Who, BBC]

The annual celebration of the freedom to read is upon us again and we’re ready for Banned Books Week. We believe families and individuals have the right to decide for themselves what to read and what to skip, but should not decide for others by having books removed or banned. Since the first Banned Books Week in 1982, the American Library Association has recorded that more than 11,000 books have been challenged. So to celebrate Banned Books Week, we've come up with some reimagined book titles for you, inspired by the reasons they were challenged. Enjoy!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

The Jewelry Lover’s Guide to Literature

[Still from The Great Gatsby 2013, Warner Bros.] 

Do you with agree with Marilyn Monroe that a diamond is a girl’s best friend but ALSO agree that a book is a girl's best friend? Do you look at jewelry on Pinterest in-between chapters of The Great Gatsby?  Do you often imagine what Marvolo Gaunt's ring would look like on your finger (minus the Horcrux)? Imagine us as your literary jewelry Pinterest page, all rolled up in a blog post just for you.

Posted by Sarah Fox

Classic Literary Characters’ Fall TV Picks

It's that time of year again, when the air is thick with the smell of pumpkin spice, each step on the sidewalk is punctuated by the crunch of dry leaves underfoot, and DVRs are getting cleaned off and reprogrammed to make room for all the new and returning fall shows. Whether you happen to be a TV fanatic, a more casual viewer, or a protagonist in a classic work of literature, there's something for everyone this upcoming TV season.

Posted by Lauren Thoman

Strangest Places Characters Have Dined

Summer is over, which means everyone is back in town. While it's great to see everyone again, the influx of people makes getting a reservation at the best restaurants difficult. Because of this, we've eaten in some unusual joints—but none have been as strange as the places where these book characters have dined.

Posted by Sarah Fox