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Fantastic Feasts and Where to Eat Them

It's November, which we all know means we have entered the best season of the year. We don't mean the winter season, or the holiday season, or a season of peace and goodwill to our fellow humans, although we guess those are great too.

No, we mean the season of food.

Between Thanksgiving and New Year's and winter holidays and all the family gatherings those are sure to entail, the next two months give us ample opportunity for shoving our faces full of every delicious delicacy we can find. In honor of this season of culinary splendor, below are some of the greatest feasts to ever take place in fiction.

Posted by Lauren Thoman

8 Coffee Drinks for 8 Gaiman Masterpieces

Original Photo by Brady Hall


The literary community is in luck: Neil Gaiman’s birthday is coming up on November 10! This storytelling genius has produced some of the best books to spirit you away to another world…you know, the kind of book best enjoyed with a blanket, a drizzly day, and a cup of coffee by your side. In honor of his big day, we’ve combined our two favorite things: specialty coffee drinks and books. So what are you waiting for? Pick your preferred poison.

Posted by Sarah Fox

Our Favorite Fictional Musicians

You know that song you just can’t get out of your head? What if it’s a whole book? To celebrate our love of music here at Quirk Books, we’ve rounded up our favorite fictional musicians and the books they call home. Get ready to rock!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Revolutionary Reads

The fifth of November is remembered in Britain for an attempted assassination of King James I of England. The plan was to blow up the House of Lords with the King inside. A small group of revolutionaries formulated a plot which was to be carried out by Guy Fawkes, a former military serviceman. After an anonymous letter was left for the authorities, Fawkes was found guarding enough gunpowder under the House of Lords to have destroyed everything. We at Quirk would like to remember the failed Gunpowder Treason by providing a list of the best books about revolution.

Posted by David Winnick

If Doctor Strange Was A Character in Classic Novels

By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth! At long last Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, is poised to appear in his own feature film. Not even omnipotent Oshtur can say why it’s taken so long for the Master of the Mystic Arts to reach this milestone, because the truth is, Dr. Strange makes any story better. In fact, even the greatest novels ever written would be 1000% better, if only Doctor Strange were to materialize within their chapters. And now, by the power of the eternal Vishanti, let it be so!

Posted by Rick Chillot

Book and Sandwich Pairings

Here at Quirk Books we love a good lunch. And if we’re being honest, we really mean we love a good sandwich. So to celebrate National Sandwich Day – yes, it’s a thing – here are some of our favorite books paired with the food that makes us want to read right through lunch.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman