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Literary Book Club Dream Team

[source: Wiki Commons]

There are a few things to consider when bringing people together in any kind of group. First and foremost, there’s the question of whether they’ll get along — whether their personalities will complement each other. When it comes to book clubs, it’s also important that members are reliable: they’ll read their books, follow the rules, and contribute meaningfully. What would our literary dream team look like, then? This ultimate book club must comprise people who will keep things fun and fresh, who will always be on time, contribute food and wine, and most importantly: actually read the book.

Here are five people who would make a boss book club, and (probably) not harm or hex each other.

Posted by Kristina Pino

Jurassic Word: Classic Books Improved With Dinosaurs (and Maybe Some Jeff Goldbum)

The Jurassic Park franchise has created entire generations obsessed with dinosaurs. And what’s not to like? They were giant, scaly (OK, probably feathery) monsters ripped straight from the pages of a fantasy novel. As Jurassic Park has proved over and over again, dinosaurs can make anything better. With that being said, we injected the terrible lizards into some of our favorite books. Welcome to…Jurassic Word!

Posted by Neil Floyd

How Gotham Celebrates Batman Day

September 15 is Batman Day


There will not be a parade. Mayor Hill made that abundantly clear. There would be no parade celebrating the career of a vigilante, especially one wanted by the police. Once you laud these men and women who take crime into their own hands, the mayor said, the rule of law goes out the window.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Books That Will Grow Your Reading List

If you’re like us, you never run out of things to read. There’s always a stack of books waiting for you at the library or a bunch of books you already own but have never read. But every once in a while you crave a new set of recommendations. Well, today’s your lucky day. Not only are we making some stellar recommendations, those books are making their own recommendations. Today we’re showcasing books that will grow your reading list. So, let’s get reading!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Real Talk: Characters Who Need to Practice Self-Care

[source: Taylor Hernandez]

We all know that practicing self-care is important, but knowing when we need that self-care is a whole other story. Everyone needs a break from time to time. Here are a few characters that we think could really have used some self-care in their stories.

Posted by Bree Crowder

Fantastical Libraries Inspired by Borges

Jorge Luis Borges has a literary career chock-full of wondrous ideas and conceits, but perhaps none of them are as compelling as his “Library of Babel,” a library the size of the universe, containing all possible 410-page books. Most of the books, naturally, are gibberish, but those inside the library believe that somehow, somewhere, there are books of coherence and meaning, if they could only find them. Unsurprisingly, book lovers and authors alike have fallen in love with an idea, and made it their own. Here are a few of our favorites.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod