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Best Picture Winner: By The Books

While watching the Oscars, even other writers take a bathroom break when the winners for Best Screenplay give their speeches. You don’t watch the Oscars to see unfamiliar faces thank their spouses and children and mothers and God, it’s all about the celebrities. But what’s interesting, is just how important writers – and books – are to the Academy.

Over the past eighty-four Academy Awards, forty-eight Best Picture winners were films adapted from books (or short stories). That’s more than half (about 57%). This leads me to believe the Academy has a thing for the adaptation.
I can’t really blame them. 

Posted by Kristen Humbert

Doctor Who’s Most Memorable Literary Moments

Doctor Who meets Agatha Christie

The Doctor is a well-read Time Lord, who is particularly fond of British literature. What else would he do between all his adventures?

Here are some of the most memorable literary moments from the new series of Doctor Who.

Posted by Brian Morell

Quirk’s American Literary Road Trip: Route 3

Quirk's American Literary Road Trip is an adventure across the United States through the printed book. Get out a pen and a piece of paper, 'cause you'll want to write down these titles and begin your imaginary vacation.

The third part of our road trip takes us from New Jersey to Georgia, exploring a number of popular fiction books.

Posted by Maria Vicente

Happy Valentine’s Day From Quirk Books!

Happy Valentine's Day, Quirk fans!

To show you just how much we care, we whipped up these adorable literary Valentines, just for you. There's Anna Karenina up top. Read on to download and save Valentines for The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, Oliver Twist, The Raven, and Robinson Crusoe

We've also got them on our Pinterest page


Posted by Eric Smith

Iä! Get My Publicist on the Phone: Ten Notable Pop Culture Appearances by Cthulhu (and Kin)

He’s not supposed to rise from the sunken city of R’lyeh until the stars are properly aligned. But ever since “Call of Cthulhu” debuted in Weird Tales magazine 85 years ago this month, Lovecraft’s famous horror icon has certainly kept his tentacled face in the public eye. Trying to catalog all of the Dread One’s appearances would likely destroy your soul and your sanity. But in honor of his 85 years of literate existence, here are ten notable sightings of Cthulhu and his fellow things-that-should-not-exist.

Posted by Rick Chillot

Life Lessons Learned From Laura Ingalls Wilder

This month we celebrate the birthday of author Laura Ingalls Wilder, an author whose books about pioneer life inspired generations of young girls.

As a young girl, I clearly recall receiving the boxed-set of the Little House books as a gift from my parents. I devoured the series within a matter of days, revisiting the series several times throughout my life. A reader at an early age, it wasn’t uncommon for me to devour a stack of books a week. Yet there was something about the Little House books that resonated within me, life lessons that remained with me throughout my teens and into my adult years.

Following are those life lessons.

Posted by Jenn Lawrence