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How Katniss Everdeen Would Do in Other Dystopias

As Katniss Everdeen hits the big screen for a final time, here at Quirk, we wondered how the Girl On Fire might fare in other dystopian settings. (Spoilers ahead!)

Posted by Hannah Frank

The Most Terrifying Teachers of Children’s Literature

When your main characters are children, authority figures are always going to have the potential for evil, and teachers are no exception. Whether it’s unfair detention or downright torture, having educators abuse their power is the perfect way to render a pint-sized protagonist powerless. Here are a few scary teachers we should all be grateful we never came across.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

5 Fictional Characters Who Laugh In the Face of Guinness World Records

On August 27, 1955 the very first edition of The Guinness Book of Records was released. Since then it has become a source of awe and curiosity, and certainly a few cringes. We all remember the annual school book fair in middle school that always had at least a few copies circulating with groups of kids huddled around, everyone pointing and talking over each other. You were out of luck if you hadn’t been given enough money to buy a copy because it was always checked out at the library—which got us thinking about some fictional characters and the Guinness Records they’d probably hold.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

5 Fictional Characters Who Used Books To Solve All Their Problems

These fictional bookworms have proven time and time again that reading can, in fact, save your butt.

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Top 10 Tuesday: Ten Children’s Literature Characters I’d Like to Check In With

For this week’s Top 10 Tuesday hosted by The Broke & the Bookish, we’re sharing ten characters we’d like to check in with. I've decided to choose some of the most important characters in children’s literature because who doesn’t want to know what the future had in store for them?

Posted by Maria Vicente


Nick and Tesla's High-Voltage Danger Lab by "Science Bob" Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith for $3.99! 


Posted by Nicole De Jackmo