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Famous Foxes in Literature

Inspired by the fox in The Little Prince, we’re taking a look at our favorite vulpine creatures in literature.

Posted by Sarah Fox

YA Inspired by Hans Christian Anderson’s Tales

The Statue of Hans Christian Anderson in Odense, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen is best known for bringing us fairy tales such as “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Little Mermaid,” “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” and “Thumbelina,” among many, many others. His likeness has been memorialized on everything from a Danish postage stamp to statues in cities around the world. To celebrate his 211th birthday, we’ve picked out four young adult novels inspired by his stories.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Best Travel Companions in Literature

It's the time of year that every student loves: Spring Break. Before you pack your bags for the trip to Mexico or Florida, we would like to make some recommendations for literary travel companions to take along with you on the journey.

Posted by Sarah Fox

The Best Girl Squads in Contemporary YA

(Image via Simini Blocker)

Girl squads are all the rage these days and here at Quirk we couldn’t be happier. There’s nothing more fulfilling than the intense bond of female friendship. We’ve rounded up a few of the best groups in contemporary literature for all your patriarchy dismantling needs.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Other Resurrections in Literature Besides Jesus

(Okay, but we definitely included some allegorical Jesus)

In this season of Easter, a.k.a. Resurrection Appreciation Day, we think there’s a topic applicable to bookish fans of all faiths: the best resurrections in literature.  

Posted by Eve Legato

The Ultimate Girl Squad of YA Characters

For Women's History Month, we're doing a series on awesome girl squads, both real, fictional, and fan-slashed! Today, we're imagining all the fiercest nerd girls from different YA books coming together to form the ultimate crew. Who do we think should be friends? Read on! 

Posted by Eve Legato