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May’s Quirk Perk: Horrorstör

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix: $3.99!

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Posted by Julie Leung

Quirky History: When Hauntings Made Real News

There are many ways for a journalist to spice up the newsfeed these days. Scary anecdotes about spiders living in women’s ears or bizarre science discoveries for example. But not too long ago, the go-to sensational pieces in respectable newspapers were about ghosts and haunted houses.

Posted by E.H. Kern

Book Recommendations for the Cast of Archer

In our anticipation of Archer Season 7, we imagined all the awesomeness that their book club would be—and by imagined we mean in our minds this is real:

Archer, finally sick of yelling “read a book” at everyone, made his coworkers get library cards. Given how annoying Archer is when he wants you to do something—plus libraries are awesome—everyone obliged. Except Mallory, she stayed home to finally read the books on her shelf, drink in hand, while ignoring Archer’s calls.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

5 Aliens We Wouldn’t Mind Getting Abducted By

The X-Files are back!

From 1993 to 2002, The X-Files brought conspiracy theories, Area 51, weirdos who need to eat women’s body fat to stay alive—and of course, alien abductions—right into our homes. Now, the aliens that abducted people on The X Files were not particularly nice to their human captives, but we at Quirk believe not all aliens are bad. Here are five aliens we wouldn’t mind being abducted by.

Posted by E.H. Kern

Win The War on Christmas with Quirk’s Guide to Holiday Villains

If holiday movies, TV specials and folklore have taught us anything, it's that the forces of evil would like nothing better than to ruin Christmas for everyone. This year you can save Christmas from the likes of Krampus, Oogie Boogie, Scut Farkus, and other classic holiday wreckers. Just keep this identi-graphic close by so you know who you're up against.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

If We Could Re-Cast “Interview with the Vampire” Today

Recently, Anne Rice, the First Lady of Hot Vampire Drama, has announced that she is working on yet another novel about her favorite vampire, Lestat de Lioncourt. Lestat is the vampire that simply refuses to die, similar to Hollywood's unending penchant for reboots. The movie adaptation of Anne Rice’s novel Interview with the Vampire, where we first met Lestat, debuted in 1994. So we decided to get ahead of the Hollywood game by putting our dream cast out into the world. Here's who we would cast for a remake of Interview with the Vampire:

Posted by E.H. Kern