Our Blog

Signing Their Rights Away: The Book Trailer

To help promote their highly anticipated follow up to 2009's Signing Their Lives Away, Denise Kiernan and Joseph D'Agnese whipped up this fabulous trailer for Signing Their Rights Away, which hit stores last Tuesday, September 6th.

Have a look, and be sure to share it with your American-history-loving friends!

Signing Their Rights Away [YouTube]

Posted by Eric Smith

The Scientist & the Sociopath: Joseph D’Agnese Releases 99 Cent eBook

Joseph D'Agnese, co-author of the Indiana Jones Handbook, 24: The Official CTU Operations Manual, Signing Their Lives Away and the upcoming Signing Their Rights Away (due out in September), recently decided to try an experiment in self-publishing, releasing a collection of his best non-fiction science journalism in an eBook.

Entitled The Scientist and the Sociopath, this best-of collection features a number of pieces featured previously in places like Discover, Wired and Seed. From profiling the guy who conceived the Big Bang Theory (but watched someone else get the Nobel Prize for it) to hanging out with scientists investigating flying snakes, there's plenty of true, undeniably quirky stories here

You can download a copy for the ridiculous price of 99 cents for the Kindle and Nook. Get it.

Posted by Eric Smith

Joseph D’Agnese & Denise Kiernan @ the Independence Visitor Center [Pictures!]

Over July 4th weekend, while the rest of you were relaxing, BBQing, and reveling in firework-related festivities, beloved Quirk authors Joseph D'Agnese and Denise Kiernan were on the road, meeting up with fans of Signing Their Lives Away.

While hanging out in Philadelphia (Quirk's hometown!), Denise and Joe stopped by Christ Church and the Independence Visitor Center. I swung by the IVC to say hi and snap some pictures. I also met their historic reanctor pal, who was reading lines from Signing Their Lives Away as guests walked about the gift shop. I've included a little photo gallery and a short video clip below.

Enjoy, and make sure you catch these two when they're in your hometown.

Posted by Eric Smith

Signings for Signers: Joseph D’Agnese & Denise Kiernan Hitting the Road this Week!

Christ Church in Philadelphia (Photo by CWBash)

Joseph D’Agnese and Denise Kiernan are embarking on their annual drive up the East Coast, visiting sites that are associated with the Signers of the Declaration of Independence to promote Signing Their Lives Away.

In any of these cities? Check out the schedule below.

June 30th: National Archives, Washington D.C.
July 1st: Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA (right next door to Quirk!)
July 2nd: Independence Hall Visitor Center, Philadelphia, PA
July 3rd: Old State House, Boston, MA
July 4th: Old State House, Boston, MA

Swing by, say hello and get a book signed. For more information, visit Joseph’s BookTour page.

Posted by Eric Smith