Red Shirt Zombie Trekkie Spotted at the Copenhagen Zombie Crawl

In every corner of the globe, zombie walks are all the rage amongst the living and the undead. In shambling hordes they stumble through city streets from Seattle to Tokyo, moaning, scaring, and leaving a crimson trail. But it’s all in good fun.
Last week at the Copenhagen Zombie Crawl, the undead invaded downtown bars in the hundreds. One bold zombie, Spritt Schapiro, paid tribute to her favorite Star Trek meets the walking dead novel, Night of the Living Trekkies
Spritt made her own uniform, representing Night of the Living Trekkies as a zombiefied, red shirt Trekkie. Check out some photos below!


Kevin David Anderson

KEVIN DAVID ANDERSON is a former marketing and public relations professional turned fiction writer and a lifelong Star Trek devotee. His short stories have appeared in the pages of Dark Animus, Dark Wisdom, Darkness Rising, and a bunch of other publications with the word “dark” in the title. He lives in California. Night of the Living Trekkies is his first novel.