Quirk @ San Diego Comic Con [Recap & Photos]
A long time ago (well, last week) in a galaxy far, far away (um, San Diego) Quirk Books attended and exhibited at Comic-Con 2011.
Preview night kicked-off with a resounding cheer as the fans flowed in from all directions. The costumes were incredible; we were immediately dazzled. But as Quirk Creative Director Jason Rekulak reminded me, "It's not all Storm Troopers and aliens, we've gotta do some work." So we got down to the business of doing business at Comic-Con. We met hundreds of fans, made a bunch of new friends, and sold a ton of books.
We also hosted two signings. On Thursday, Broet Laureate Brian McGackin signed copies of Broetry: Poetry for Dudes. A few savvy fans identified the cover poem as a parody of "This is just to say" by William Carlos Williams. On Friday, a large line formed to meet best selling author Ransom Riggs. He signed copies of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and posed for a photo with our booth babe, Heidi Milano (dressed here as the Miss P cover girl). Afterward we took Ransom out to dinner to celebrate Miss Peregrine’s extraordinary six weeks (and counting!) on The New York Times bestseller list.
Other highlights:
– Our Geek Wisdom poster (check it out on Facebook, Quirk fans) giveaway inspired fans to try to identify each quote. Many were stumped by: "At least I have chicken."
– Our Crafting with Cat Hair poster left people intrigued, amazed and horrified–often all at the same time. We sense a sleeper in the works!
– As usual, plenty of people paused to admire this book and a few observed that the hole needed to be larger.
– I got to sit in the actual DeLorean used in Back to the Future Part III.
Here are a few more of our favorite costumes and photo-worthy moments:
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Add it all together, and you’ve got our most memorable Comic Con yet. So say we all!

Brett Cohen
Brett likes his vodka on the rocks, his meat on the grill, and his Sundays on the couch watching football. As VP, he likes Quirk’s projects to deliver on time, the P&Ls to be on budget, and sales to exceed expectations. He's the author of Stuff Every Man Should Know, Stuff Every Dad Should Know and the co-author of Recipes Every Man Should Know.