Quirk Corral: What Are Wizard Taxes Like and Other Concerns

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Here at Quirk we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for some dollar store DIY projects or are wondering how wizards pay taxes, we’re sure to have something to make you smile.

All Things Bookish

Check out these new books by African writers.

Is this Drake’s library?

These notepads are perfect for traveling writers.


All Things Geeky

The Harry Potter series, while hefty, still left some unanswered questions.

Deadpool will have two post-credits scenes.

If you are a fan of both Homer Simpson and Stormtroopers, you can now enjoy that mashup in cake form.


All Things Crafty

Eat your morning grapefruit as cake instead.

Enjoy this free coloring page of unicorns and narwhals.

Spruce up your space with these dollar store DIY projects.