Pairing an Adult Beverage with Your Kid’s Meal
According to Wikipedia, an adult can achieve a blood alcohol level of .03 (or less) after consuming 1 alcoholic beverage. Said beverage would result in mild euphoria, relaxation and joyousness with little impairment to your judgment. After a long day, that sounds pretty good, right?
So, it’s no surprise that many parents are opting to enjoy a glass of alcohol with dinner. But, many parents do not know how to properly pair their alcohol selections with the typical kiddie fare that may be on their dinner table.
Lucky for you, I’ve done the research… and included a handy chart for you to reference!
Hot Dogs & Beer (Pale Lager): Combining beer and brats (the sausage kind, not the kid kind) dates back hundreds of years. In this case, it’s recommended that you pair a hot dog with a pale lager because the subtle flavor of the beer will not overwhelm the hot dog flavoring—particularly if you load up on the toppings.
Hamburger & Pinot Noir: We’re talking thick, juicy hamburgers here–unless your McDonald’s is a BYO. The hearty beef flavor of a hamburger is best paired with a medium-bodied, fruity red wine. Uncorking a Pinot Noir is ideal because of its sweet, sugary taste.
Noodles with Butter & Sauvignon Blanc: It’s one of the easiest dishes to make—and a standard go-to for busy parents. The light flavor of the butter requires an equally delicate flavored wine. A glass of Sauvignon Blanc should be perfect.
Macaroni and Cheese & Champagne: Generally speaking, pasta takes on the flavor of the sauce. In this case, it’s a cheese-based sauce. And, cheese is a natural pairing with white and sparkling wines. Pop the bubbly and you’re good-to-go.
Chicken Nuggets & a Martini: Fried foods typically soften the taste and take the bite out of cocktails with high levels of alcohol. So, class up those chicken nuggets (or fish sticks) with a dirty martini or a vodka gimlet.
Pizza & a Margarita: Sure, I could’ve gone beer here. And, that would’ve been a perfectly fine choice. But, margaritas are ideal for heavy meals, like pizza. Top your pizza with some sausage and pepperoni and rim your glass with some salt and a fresh lime.
PB&J & Syrah: Syrah is a popular and powerful red wine with smoky, spicy and fruity flavors. That makes it an excellent compliment to the sweet fruity taste of the jelly and the salty taste of the peanut butter. Oh, and apparently, peanut butter will help mask the alcohol on your breath. Bonus!
DISCLAIMER: This post is meant for fun. Please drink responsibly—particularly when parenting your children.

Brett Cohen
Brett likes his vodka on the rocks, his meat on the grill, and his Sundays on the couch watching football. As VP, he likes Quirk’s projects to deliver on time, the P&Ls to be on budget, and sales to exceed expectations. He's the author of Stuff Every Man Should Know, Stuff Every Dad Should Know and the co-author of Recipes Every Man Should Know.