Breakfast for Dinner Just Got Tastier!
We make a lot of different types of books at Quirk. And, over the years, we've made a name for ourselves by pushing the envelope to produce strikingly unconventional books. If you've seen our catalog, you know what I'm talking about.
Today we're excited to say that we've brought our unique flavor to the world of ebooks–well, ibooks–in the form of Quirk's first enhanced ebook: Breakfast for Dinner. It's time for breakfast to take center stage at the dinner table! Inside this book, you'll find more than 100 classic "brinner" recipes made with a twist.
The special iBooks Author version of Breakfast for Dinner is full of interactive, fun and functional features. Here are a few of my favorites…
Thumbnail Navigation: View and scroll through the entire book until you see something that you love, like Bacon Jam!
1-2-3 Feature: Books are read vertical. But, iPads are best propped up horizontally. Press the 1-2-3 icon and the recipe is displayed horizontally in an easy-to-read, step-by-step manner–perfect for cooking!
Recipe Finder: Don't know what you want to make? You can search all of the recipes by your favorite ingredient. For me, it's simple–and probably obvious already–bacon!
Menu Ideas: Having a party? May I suggest the Bacon Lover's menu?

Shopping List: Once you've decided what to make, the book can create a shopping list for you that is organized by grocery aisle. You can also email or print the list. Cool, right?
There's so much more. And, I encourage you to check it all out. The ebook is available for $14.99 only through the iBookstore. Enjoy!

Brett Cohen
Brett likes his vodka on the rocks, his meat on the grill, and his Sundays on the couch watching football. As VP, he likes Quirk’s projects to deliver on time, the P&Ls to be on budget, and sales to exceed expectations. He's the author of Stuff Every Man Should Know, Stuff Every Dad Should Know and the co-author of Recipes Every Man Should Know.