Books We’re Thankful For: Quiet by Susan Cain
Man, for the longest time I struggled with being "shy." I pushed myself to speak up in meetings; when I was single, I made myself go out to loud bars; and generally did things that I disliked—all in the name of being social and to fit in.
But this book gave me so much insight into myself—it was truly a gift, because I felt as though the book had been written just for me. I'm an introvert, and it reminded me that that's OK. I can go be social, but I also have to balance it out with quiet time.
Reading this book was a great lesson about self-awareness and self-acceptance, and for that I will always be thankful.

Nicole De Jackmo
Nicole called NYC her home for eight years where she spent her time enjoying Greek food, beer gardens, & working at Simon & Schuster. She now happily calls Philly her home and has learned how to properly order a cheese steak, pledge her allegiance to Philly sports—but refuses to eat scrapple. E-mail Nicole ([email protected]) if you want to review our titles or feature our authors.