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Letter Writing Week: 10 Love Letters Written by Classic Authors

Photo via Harvard Gazette

I always loved the allure to writing letters. It’s a conversation that stretches over continents. There’s something incredibly romantic about that (at least to me). When I was younger, I had a penpal in New York. We wrote letters to each other often. I told her things I wouldn’t dream about telling anyone else because it felt like, even though what I put on paper lasts longer than any conversation, it felt safe.

Letters feel very safe.

So how about let’s exploit that a little?

Posted by Ashley Poston

Letter Writing Week: A Roundup of Great Epistolary Reads (Or Books That Are, Like, Letters)

To honor Letter Writing Week, I rounded up some of the best epistolary (letter-writing) novels I know. While I personally count diary entries as letter-writing, since we write it to our future selves (or imaginary friends, or our cat), I won’t include those on this list. Just purely letter-writing, fictional and non. And emails. And texting. And smoke-signals.

Posted by Ashley Poston

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Open a Bottle of Wine with a Broken Cork

The holidays are over, New Year’s Eve is in the past, but all that leftover wine… it sits there in your fridge (or not, depending on the kind of wine), waiting to be finished. And perhaps, just perhaps in the midst of your revelry, you broke a cork or two. It happens.

Never fear! The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Holidays has you covered.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Come Blog for Quirk Books [Updated]

Image via (the always incredible) Toothpaste for Dinner

Every now and again I come in here and update this ol' post. And here I am, doing just that!

Interested in blogging for Quirk Books? We're always on the hunt for awesome new talent to showcase on our site! Whether you're into crafting or cooking, fashion or design, comic books or movies… as long as you love writing about your passions with the occasional bookish slant, there might just be a place for you here on the blog.

And yes, we do pay bloggers for their posts!

Interested? Drop me an email at [email protected]. Tell me a bit about yourself, what you're interested in writing about, and include a few links to some writing samples. Please don't send resumes. Just a friendly email and links to clips will do. You should be active on social media and familiar with what we publish on the blog. 

Hope to hear from you soon! 

Posted by Eric Smith

How-To Tuesday: Crafting DIY Book-Inspired Cards

It's Letter Writing Week! There’s something oddly satisfying about getting handwritten notes and letters that electronic mail just can’t convey. Don’t get me wrong, I, like most people my age, like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail and the ilk but there are times where the virtual emojis and letters just don’t cut it.

The weight of the paper, the way people write their letters and even the stamps that people choose all tell stories. What better way to tell a story than create book-inspired cards? They’re conversation starters and a great way to connect with people.

Posted by Jessica Yang

Daily Kindle Deals: Quirky Business Edition