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Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Survive When You Get Caught Sleeping or Surfing the Net at Work

The holidays are over, you’re back to work, and it’s freezing out. No matter how hard you try, you can’t find your mojo.

Don’t stress. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Work offers tips on how to make it out alive when your boss catches you nodding or slacking off.

Posted by Christina Schillaci

Seven Perfect Reads for Groundhog Day

What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?

Well, maybe you’d keep reliving the same day until you changed something about (dun dun dun) yourself, and something something inspirational. We’ve all seen the movie: Groundhog Day. Soon it will be February 2nd again, and some kind of creature… badger… thing will predict six more weeks of winter or (hopefully) an early spring.

Charlie Brown had a special for Christmas and Thanksgiving, and even celebrated Arbor Day, but he somehow failed to honor this singularly important day. So as it gets closer, take some time to really appreciate the one movie that does it justice, and respects the importance of oversized rodents—not to mention the increasingly popularized use of time loops in fiction. Yet there are many other examples of this trope from literature that remain largely unrecognized.

In honor of Bill Murray and groundhogs everywhere who find repeating time less suicidally funny and more unnerving, following are a few of the best examples:

Posted by Maia Brown-Jackson

Sneak Peek: The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy

A few years ago, while at a party for The Mary Sue during New York Comic Con, I met Sam Maggs

We were both writing for Geekosystem at the time, with my former college roommate Glen Tickle. We geeked out over movies and comics, as one does at such a party, and talked about the awesome cosplay we saw at the convention. I enjoyed her articles and writing ever since. 

Fast forward two or so years, and Quirk is putting out her debut book. The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy. And I couldn't be happier to see her smart, witty writing in print. This is one special book, and I'm thrilled to give you all a sneak peek!

Posted by Eric Smith

Bookish Events in New York City: January 26th – 30th

There are a lot of amazing literary events scheduled this week, and hopefully the harrowing blizzard being forecasted will not interfere. There are celebrations for debut novelists, discussions of craft and process, and wise words from some literary “doctors” at stake. If the weather gets you down and traps you inside, there’s always the amazing bookish podcast, The Catapult, to get you through the storm.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

FridayReads: Quirk’s Picks For National Readathon Day

Tomorrow, on January 24th, Quirk is participating in National Readathon Day. A campaign organized by the National Book Foundation and Penguin Random House, National Readathon Day seeks to help raise awareness for reading, and get people into books. Which is like, basically the best cause ever. Readers help fundraise, talk about their books, and help support the National Book Foundation. Proceeds will support their education programs, like BookUp.

Posted by Eric Smith

It’s National Handwriting Day! What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

In this age of touch tablets and smart watches and phone cameras, National Handwriting Day might seem kind of quaint: oh yeah, that thing we used to do by gripping a writing implement tightly between our bony hand-extremities and scrawling out glyphs to our fellow humans.

But handwriting is here to stay! Thumb-typing is dandy, but paper is handy…er. (Face it: when it comes to jotting quick notes, something about thinly sliced dried tree pulp is just timeless and irresistible.) And whether it’s on a post-it, a grocery list, a cocktail napkins, or handsome leatherbound journal, the letters you shape and the way you shape them can reveal hidden facets of your personality.

Ready to unlock the secrets of your psyche? Write on:

Posted by Blair Thornburgh